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广交会社交英语口语 | Poster:yuhuansc | |
商务社交口语 Dialogue A: Mr. Wang, this is ridiculous. I've just opened this letter with a check for nothing that a customer's sent us./王先生,真是可笑。我刚打开这封信,是一位顾客寄来的。里面是一张空白支票。 B: What, Mr. Liu? Who's that, please?/什么,刘先生?请问那人是谁? A: Someone from BMA Ltd. Listen to what he says, "thank you for your usual monthly statement. It says we have to pay you nothing. The one you sent last month said the same, so I now enclose our check for nothing. Will this perhaps be the last time you sent a statement of this kind? Yours faithfully."/BMA有限公司的一个什么人寄来的。我读给你听:“感谢你们每月的账单。账单上说,我们无须支付。上个月我们收到了同样的账单。所以,随信附上一张空白支票。希望这是你们最后一次寄这样的账单,行吗?祝好。” B: Oh, we can thank the computer for that. All our accounts are computerized for that. All our accounts are computerized and it prints out a statement every month for our regular customers, even if they don't owe us money./噢,都怪那台电脑。我们把所有的账户都输入了电脑。然后每个月由电脑为那些老客户打出一份账单,即使他们不欠我们的钱。 A: Why do we send them?/那么为什么把这类账单发出去呢? B: We don't usually, but Li's new to the department and he probably sent it without even looking at it. I'll have a word with him about it. I'll also write a letter of apology to BMA./我们一般不寄。 但是,李是新来的,也许他连看都没看就寄了,我得与他谈谈,并且给BMA写封信,表示歉意。 Dialogue A: Jane, the meeting is scheduled from 2:00 this afternoon. Have you made the necessary arrangements?/简,我们计划在下午两点钟开会,你都安排好了吗? B: Yes, Mr. Smith. We'll use the conference room on the second floor for the meeting./安排好了,史密斯先生。我们将使用二楼的会议室开会。 A: That's right. The meeting is very important. Where shall the guests be received before the meeting begins?/很好,这个会议很重要。开会前我们在哪里接待来宾? B: In the dining room. It's spacious there./在餐厅吧,那里比较宽敞。 A: We'll have several foreign guests to attend the meeting./我们还会有几位外宾来参加会议。 B: I've arranged for an interpreter to be present. But it is said these foreigners could speak English./我已经安排了一位口译员,不过我听说这些外宾都会讲英语。 A: Really? I'll also try to speak slowly. How would you arrange the guests' seats, Jane?/是吗?不过,我还是会讲慢一点,你怎么安排来宾就座呢,简? B: We've prepared name cards to be put on the conference table for guests to sit by. What time would you like refreshments served, Mr. Smith?/我们已经准备了姓名卡片放在会议桌上,让来宾按此就座。您希望在什么时候供应点心,史密斯先生? A: Well, after my report, there'll be an interval for rest and refreshments./哦,就在我做完报告后的休息时间供应点心吧。 B: All right, I see./好的,我明白了。 Dialogue A: As you know, our new product is due for release next month. I think we've finally worked the kinks out./正如你所知,我们的新产品预定在下个月推出。我想我们已经解决了所有的疑难问题了。 B: Great. That's vital. Quality is the focus of the ad campaign. The machines must work well if they're going to be the cash cow we want them to be./太好了。那很重要。品质是广告活动的焦点。如果要让这些机器如我们所愿成为摇钱树的话,就不能出乱子。 A: Let's go over our promotion plans again./我们再看一遍我们的促销计划。 B: OK. We have six major retailers running demonstrations at most branches. And our exhibition team is already on the road setting up for computer shows./好的,我们有6家主要的零售商在大部分的分店做展示。而且我们的展示队伍已经为计算机展在行动了。 A: Good. What about print and radio?/很好,那印刷品和广播呢? B: We've taken out full-page ads for three large trade magazine. And more important, our press releases have been well received./我们在3家大的商业杂志刊登了全版广告。更重要的是,我们的新闻稿已经全被采纳了。 A: Any larger ads?/有更大的广告行动吗? B: Yes. We're putting the same full-page ad in the Sunday edition of three major newspaers./有的。我们在3家大报的星期天版放了相同的全版广告。 A: Sounds perfect./听起来很完美。 B: But nothing ever works out as you want it. So I have a number of other tricks up my sleeve,as well./不过事情有时候会事与愿违,所以我还有其他的妙计。 Dialogue 1 A: We're going to have a problem meeting the budget for the production of our new equipment./我们拔给新设备产品的预算会有问题。 B: How much of the problem?/问题有多严重? A: Well, it seems that we underestimated the costs. According to the factory, it will cost about eight percent more than initially projected./看样子我们似乎低估了成本。根据制造厂商的说法,成本会比原告计划的高出约8%. B: Let me see....Looking at this, if my calculations are correct, we are about five thousand dollars over budget./我看看...看状况,假如我算得没错,我们大约比预算多出了5000美金。 A: That's right. It's going to cost about five thousand more to complete the first order./是的。大约要多花5000美金来完成第一批订单。 B: I see.../我明白了... A: But if sales go as well as they should, that's still we within our profit margin. Proceeds from sales of the first order will easily cover the cost of the second order. /不过假如销售状况有应有的表现,那就仍在我们的获利范围之内。第一批订单的收入将会很容易就抵过第二批订单的成本。 B: In other words, you only need a budget increase for the first order./换句话说,你只需要增加第一批订单的成本。 A: Exactly. After that, the product should finance itself./完全正确。之后,产品本身就可以获利,不需要再增加预算。 B: Ok. Well, you know, all major budget decisions must be approved by our CEo and the financial offer./好的,你知道,所有主要的预算决策需要经过首席执行官及财务主管的批准。 A: Yes, I know. But I thought that if I could get your support first, it might make getting approval easier./是的,我知道。只是我觉得如果我能先取得你的支持可能会比较容易得到批准。 B: Well, you've got my support on this. I'll see what I can do to get the top brass to agree./嗯,你已经得到我的支持了。我会看看有什么方法可以让高层主管同意。 |
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