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Zhangzhou Walstone Superhard Material Tools Co., Ltd.
Multi wire saw machine
want multi wire saw machine Outer Diameter of Tubing: 0.85 mm - 0.90
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Plastic Machinery Co., Ltd.
Shougang China (Pebax) tube production line
mm Inner Diameter of Tubing: 0.45 mm - 0.50 mm 2009-11-4 2009-11-11 fferdetail/30043620 8/Polyamide_Peba x_tube_production _line.html a.com/buyofferdeta
Machinery Co., Ltd.
China spiral steel production line
Lathe Which is Suppler contact me soon 2009-11-4 2010-11-4
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Co., Ltd.
Zhengheyuan Tool China Co., Ltd.
above 7m and made after 1980 Wanted! Germany ALBRECHT chuck
1980 (1980 included) .Ones a little earlier may be OK! Please let me know if you sell this chuck as the attached picture, Made in Germany. The brand is ALBRECHT. Many thanks. 2009-11-4 2009-11-14 ertical_Lathe_Whic h_is_above_7m_an d_made_after_198 0_Wanted_.html . en.alibaba.com/buy 2009-11-4 2010-5-5 offerdetail/3004430 46/Germany_ALBR ECHT_chuck.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Limited Delinter Ginning Machines Need of Cotton Seen Delinter Plant 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102799760/Cotton _Seed_Delinter_Gi nning_Machines.ht ml .
Shanghai Office China
Planetary mixer Capacity 10 L, ROSH certificate is prefered. We are looking for steel scraps melting furnace 2009-11-4 2009-11-18 com/buyofferdetail/ 102800247/Planeta ry_mixer.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Ltd. Wales South Korea Blast furnace
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Ltd Taiwan compress or packaging machine compressing machine and quilt compressing or packaging machine. 2009-11-4 2010-11-4 102801770/quilt_pil low_compress_or_ packaging_machin e.html Wellgo M & E Ltd Singapore
aluminium foil container making machine
aluminium foil container making machine in China.
laser printers, OEM wil
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Latvia laser printer be better. wil look 2009-11-4 2009-12-4 102801091/laser_p
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Trading, Inc. OMTC Japan Toner Powder Recycling Machine
copier) reprocessing or recycling machine in capacity of 10 ton per day
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Nigeria film blower wanted urgently
plastic film blower for making of shopping bags or garbage bags etc WE REQUIRE COINING 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102800129/HDPE_ LDPE_PP_film_blo wer_wanted_urgent ly.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India KNUCKLE JOINT PRESS Plastic KNUCKLE JOINT PRESS Plastic Granulating 2009-11-4 2010-11-4 102799999/COINI NG_KNUCKLE_JO INT_PRESS.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Granulating Machines Wanted Machines Wanted + Spare Parts
supprier to provide machining, material: 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102800888/Plastic _Granulating_Mach ines_Wanted.html
Singapore PP PE CNC PLASTIC PP, PE. SIZE: 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102801437/PP_PE
machine machine Manufacturing 1300MMX1300MMX300 MM, able to programming. we need CIF prices to India of machine Manufacturing Flexible conduits to UL
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Flexible conduits Standards. Any New or secondhand running M/c wil I interested import DTV Converters for Iran,
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Please send me price FOB & CFR Iran, 102799900/DTV_C onverters_.html
TC Dril
TC Dril Fabric
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Moulding Machine We are looking to purchase hydraulic transfer moulding machines 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102802179/Transfe r_Moulding_Machin e.html .
Bangladesh Dredger
Wish to import Dredger for River dredging 2009-11-4 2010-11-4 com/buyofferdetail/ 102802046/Dredge r.html . com/buyofferdetail/
United States Machinery, Laundry equipment Want to purchase plastic Second hand textile machinery
a plastic injection 2009-11-4 2010-11-4 102801562/Looms _Knitting_Machiner y_Laundry_equipm ent.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102800988/Want_t
United States injection molding molding machine. It can machine, new, be new, used or used, refurbished. 250 tons or refurbished better.
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com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102802478/MACHI NING_CENTERS.h tml
India Manufacturing Machinery shampoo making machinery.
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Chile Buy Fish canned canned closing machine, closing machine small machine, and portable machine for can seafoods. We like to buy ROLAND OFFSET PRINTING com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102800308/Buy_Fi sh_canned_closing _machine.html
ROLAND OFFSET MACHINE MACHINE Model preferable 1980, Size 48"x56". machine should be 2 color com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-4 2009-11-11 102800379/ROLAN D_OFFSET_MACH INE.html
Jordan Cation Anion Containers
Containers for Permutit Deionized Water Station Type CI 2000
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PN Source Jordan Bangladesh engine components Textile Machinery's & Parts , Dying Machinery Blind Mitsubishi and Ford Ranger vehicles Dying Machine & Parts , Swing Machine & parts , Knitting Machine & parts.
company that producess 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 2009-11-4 2010-11-4 com/buyofferdetail/ 102800132/engine _components.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102801859/Textile _Machinery_s_Part s_Dying_Machinery _.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Hangzhou Tianmushan Ukraine Component - Ladder Tape Tape fo blind. Size: width - 0.025 m, thickness 16-18 micron. 2009-11-4 2010-5-4 102800723/Blind_C omponent_Ladder_ Tape.html n.alibaba.com/buyo
Limited Company China steel casting want to buy steel casting 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 fferdetail/30043033 1/steel_casting.htm l Janahi Food Stuff, Best Media International NANTONG FORTUNE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION Kwong Wah Paper
Tray Sealing Machine Shuttle Loom Machine
We are interested in Tortil a Machine, I appreciate if you send me details of your product specifications, packing and price Shuttle Loom Machine We are looking for paper . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 102798676/Tray_S ealing_Machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 102798975/Shuttle _Loom_Machine.ht ml .alibaba.com/buyoff erdetail/300415563
Ltd. UK.SHIA flat bottom machine bag w/ flat bottom + color printing machine. In addition to weeds can 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 /Paper_Bag_with_fl at_bottom_machin e.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Hong Kong Weedmaster be, you can tap the mud 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 102796908/_Weed
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Machine Materials for our clients. We are agents. moulding_Machine. html FoodTech
5000litres per day . com/buyofferdetail/
Bangladesh line wanted Mineral water bottling line 2009-11-3 2009-11-17 102797891/Mineral
5000l/h _Water_line_wante d_5000l_h.html .
aluminium roofing roll forming machine
aluminium foofing sheet foll forming machine. Hight speed 200- 220m/min of 08color gravure printing , dry lami com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-3 2010-3-3 102797510/alumini um_roofing_roll_for ming_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102797294/printing
slitter , bag making machine cigarette filter , slitter and bag making machine . Please contact us
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Limited Hong Kong tubes and cigarette fil ing machine. cigarette fil ing machine, and roling cigarette paper
blower 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 102797948/cigarett e_filter_tubes_and _cigarette_fil ing_m achine_.html
PET film blowing thickness of film: extruder 12micron (most used thickness) width: 1200mm both side corona Interested and keen in com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-3 2009-12-4 102797921/PET_fil m_blowing_extrude r.html
INDUSTRIES Singapore India Pakistan food and beverage equipments
Weaving looms require Used French fries plant
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machine and SMT machine , welcome the original contact us soon . 2009-11-3 2010-11-6 00415230/old_reflo w_machine_and_S MT_machine.html Media Products Inc Need direct United States supplier Blu-ray replication
Need direct supplier for Blu-ray replication .
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blind/curtain/mat weaving machine wanted required. Pl. send quote, specification, pictures 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 102796846/bambo o_blind_curtain_ma t_weaving_machin e_wanted.html .
Arbor and Mandrel Hone com/buyofferdetail/
towel cake Grip Second Hand Firbimatic Perc Machine wanted in 20 or 25 Kg capacity. Kindly reply with best price.
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Spain MACHINE TO DO CAKE TOWELS 2009-11-3 2009-12-3 102797216/towel_c ake_MACHINE.htm l We need a hydraulic press for broken .
Hydraulic Press Face mask hydraulic houses on our different machines. Included should be the fittings and houses
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MAKERZ 2020 India MAKERZ 2020 India making machine
coconut plant
wanted surgical caps, mask with earloops and tied up machineries for desicated coconut terry towel looms
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Czech Republic Looking for OE machines machines produced by Elitex Czech Republic
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United Kingdom rotary hooks quality industrial sewing hooks for all brands 2009-11-3 2010-5-3 com/buyofferdetail/ 102798387/rotary_ hooks.html
United Kingdom want to buy spare parts
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Kingdom Croatia (local drink bottle shredder
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Tueman Production name: Hrvatska) creating bags machine
bag of it. Please,send me your quotes and link on machine
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Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Xiangyang Vietnam circular sawing machine used double Metal circular sawing machine we are interesting buying 2009-11-2 2010-1-2 102794958/_buy_ Metal_circular_saw ing_machine_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
SPHERETECH needle bar machine used karl mayer double needle machine,
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INDIA PVT LTD Wuxi Futong Plate Filter press Press made of Cast Iron for filtration of Lube Oil water well dril ing 2009-11-2 2009-12-2 102794375/Plate_F ilter_press.html n.alibaba.com/buyo
Green Star Trading Company Bangladesh rigs
with Threaded end for Renovation of Hydrochloric Acid Plant water well dril ing rigs Dear Sir/Madam:
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Trading Company Bangladesh Green Star Trading Company Bangladesh
with Threaded end for Renovation of Hydrochloric Acid Plant
UV Coating Machine
Cooling Pipe with Threaded end for Renovation of Hydrochloric Acid Plant. Dear Sir/Madam:
Spare Parts of UV Coating Machine. I would appreciate immediate contact. Dear Sir/Madam:
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com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102793859/Spare_ Parts_of_UV_Coati ng_Machine.html
interested to import Pelletizer. I would appreciate immediate contact. We are very much 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102793840/Pelletiz er.html
International SHIMI Bangladesh Casing
interested to import Casing for Dril ion Project We would like to buy a complete consistency 2009-11-2 2010-3-2 com/buyofferdetail/ 102794047/Casing. html . com/buyofferdetail/
Republic of) control system control system for our project for fluting, test liner papers. we need cement plant on credit tranfer we pay 30% in advance and oher 2009-11-2 2010-1-2 102794421/consist ency_control_syste m.html
Pakistan cement plant machine for bottles to money in 4 to 5 year urgent manufacturer conatc me as soon
bottles to produce mineral water and others 2009-11-2 2009-12-2 102794748/cement _plant_.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102795761/machin
Paraguay produce mineral waters and others and machine to produce rice in bags of 500gr to 1kilograms bags we are a manufacturer of gypsum board ceiling 2009-11-2 2009-12-2 e_for_bottles_to_pr oduce_mineral_wat ers_and_others.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
ENTERPRISES India The former LUKS MOBILE Yugoslav DOOEL Republic of Macedonia machinary of tee channel and partition grid channel ..now we want to manufacturer tee grid in our unit wer are sales agents and production line have few clietn who required reqaure some products lines, 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102794378/machin ary_of_tee_grid.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102794697/product ion_line_required_. html
Republic of) forge parts Durga Enterprise India CNC Router
from size OD 78 TO 840 No China or Japan products accepted. Prefer S Korea or Europe provide your mai We require CNC router. It working on Wood surface. The working area for machine is 2440 mm X 1220mm. we need clever patends to advertise and sell to 2009-11-2 2009-12-2
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Greece clever and cheap special designed site of products needed chinese products. not clothing and shoes please... com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-2 2010-11-2 102795293/clever_ and_cheap_produc ts_needed.html . Ochirpress LLC Mongolia EUROPLANET need photo polymer plate making machine
We need price quotation for the photo polymer plate making machine and photo polymer plate we are looking ofr
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Italy machine
monoblade - monolama gangsaw - urgent 2009-11-2 2009-12-2 102794912/stone_ cutting_machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
1000-6000 CHURCH ILL TWA Maker : CHURCHILL Model : TWA
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Plastic Moulding Machinery
("Pocky") machine needed Timing belt slitting machine New or Second Hand for Plastic Moulding Thanks Looking for production line to produce stick snack with chocolate/strawberry coating (similar to Glico's "Pocky" products). slitting machine used for Timing belts 2009-11-2 2009-12-2 102796087/Plastic _Moulding_Machin ery_.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102795220/Stick_s nack_Pocky_machi ne_needed.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102794910/Timing _belt_slitting_mach ine.html
SEAL METPET/LLDPE . com/buyofferdetail/ 102795909/DEHYD RATION_PLANT_ MACHINERIES.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Sri Lanka SEALING MACHINE want to cooperate with trade company press brake/rolling OR BOPP FILM. TO MAKE BAGS MANUALY. BAG SIZE 1000MM X 600MM want to cooperate with trade company press brake/rolling 2009-11-2 2010-5-2 102794807/SEALI NG_MACHINE.htm l a.com/buyofferdeta il/300384187/want_ to_cooperate_with_ trade_company_pr
machine/notchin machine/notching g machine/shearing machine/shearin machine/punching g machine machine/punchin g machine
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Ltd.Com The Gate To I want to buy Iron Concentrates many Iron Concentrates to doing our iron
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Trading UK.SHIA International Saudi Arabia Ice cream production line Hong Kong Look for Mach complte milk and fruit sourcing 3 boats.You can tap the mud, you can weed and garbage, and 2009-11-1 2010-11-1 102791973/Ice_cre am_production_line .html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102791750/Look_f
Ningbo Qixing Nonwoven Co., Ltd. Sunnybrook China Dredger machine for producing FFP2 face mask Telescoping we use the equipment to recycle the sludge. I want to purchase the maching for producing FFP2 face mask.
telescoping barbecue or_Mach_Dredger. html - nonwoven.en.aliba ba.com/buyofferdet 2009-11-1 2009-11-15 ail/300367137/mac hine_for_producing _FFP2_face_mask. html . com/buyofferdetail/
stick with plastic handle and cap that snaps on and off; low min order qty 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102792120/Telesc oping_barbecue_sti ck.html
Block Making Machine wanted Wool washing
with 3 phase electric motor 4 HP 2900 RPM , * Mould size 20 x 20 x 40 CMS Need a machine to wash
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STOPPER and clean the wool. RUBBER STOPPER 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102793452/Wool_ washing_machine. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102793203/RUBBE
Vietnam WASHING MACHINE! Resin Transfer WASHING MACHINE! Dear Sir/Madam:
interested to import 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 R_STOPPER_WA SHING_MACHINE _.html
Molding Machine Resin Transfer Molding Machine. I would appreciate immediate contact. Dear Sir/Madam: 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102793829/Resin_ Transfer_Molding_ Machine.html .
Trading Company Bangladesh Green Star Trading Company Bangladesh Table Top Compounder Roll Mil With Heating System
I am very much interested to import Table Top Compounder. I would appreciate immediate contact. Dear Sir/Madam:
interested to import Roll Mil With Heating System. I would appreciate immediate contact. we want to buy face mask making machine, com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102793826/Table_ Top_Compounder. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102793821/Roll_Mi l _With_Heating_Sy stem.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Industries India Mask Making Machine pls send us price and details about machine you are producing,thanks! we are looking for cnc 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102792167/Buying _Face_Mask_Maki ng_Machine.html .
Brothers ANAND DIARIES PVT LTD India India cnc mil ing machine kolbus casing in line machines for mould making i want a good second hand machine , preferably if running condition .. from europe only ! 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 com/buyofferdetail/ 102791647/cnc_mil ling_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102793475/kolbus_ casing_in_line.html
Watchworks United States OEM/ODM/ Metal Stamping Egg Waffle Hong Kong Cooking Argyle Corporation is seeking for an OEM/ODM manufacturer in China for producing its new product line. Looking for a SQUARE eggette cooking machine with US voltage that can . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2009-11-15 102791734/OEM_ ODM_Metal_Stam ping.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2010-1-1 102793770/Egg_W
heavy duty use. affle_Cooking_Mac hine_Wanted.html .
Textile Spinning Machines Wanted flat lock and Murata C21 + Rieter RSB-D-35 (20" coiler)
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102792204/Textile _Spinning_Machine s_Wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
CO India overlock machines for panties Need of Cross machines for making panties ,,,,
We need Cross Roll Mk- 2009-11-1 2010-11-1 102793485/flat_loc k_and_overlock_m achines_for_pantie s.html . com/buyofferdetail/
roll Mk4 spinning Cards
4 Cards,YOC is 1989- 1994. Please send us pictures along with CIF karachi-Pakistan Price. We need :
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Chargers for power tools
Bosch,Makita,Hilti,Metab o and Blach&Decker power tools....
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HOLDINGS Vijayaexport Bangladesh
SETUP, ORIGINAL JAPAN MADE LATEST VERSION We need used textile machinery and Emproidery machnery. we are looking for old 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 METIC_RICE_MIL L_SETUP_AUTO_ JAPAN_MADE_.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-11-1 2010-11-1 102792345/Used_ Textile_Machinery. html . com/buyofferdetail/
Emirates printing offset printing machines 2009-11-1 2010-5-1 102793539/used_o Fuzhou Xiangyang Trading Co. , Ltd. China machines tricot machine we are buying karl mayer used tricot machine, HKS3,HKS4.
ffset_printing_mac hines.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102791359/tricot_ machine.html
Engineering and contracting
Syrian Arab Republic SCREENING MACHINE For HV / MV CABLES II- MAIN COMPONENTS : A - PAY-OFF STAND: B- GUIDING UNIT D- Rigid cage with 54 Bobbins 500mm E- TANGENTIL TAPING HEAD POSI customised automation, 2009-10-31 2009-11-30
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singapore Singapore packing machine special designed packing machine
2009-10-31 2010-4-30 com/buyofferdetail/ 102791380/packing _machine.html .
Technologies Pvt ltd
international Company
wanted PVC ,Vinyl Table cloth making machines
establish a PVC table cloth making line .mfgs with technical know how only need to approach. seeking for packaging machine PP Woven Bag Production Line - Flat Yarn Making Machine - Circular Loom - Cutting & Sewing Machine
com/buyofferdetail/ 102790367/wanted _PVC_Vinyl_Table _cloth_making_ma chines.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102791201/packagi ng_machine_.html
windows &doors MIVICO TEMA CO.,LTD
Enterprise CP Buying Co., India
Republic of)
China Strapping Machine full automatize double glazing glass line with auto cnc cutting machines
Buy mobile hydraulic support use in Mining
Spinning Machinery
binding machine we are looking for full automatic glass cutting and double glazing glass line
hydraulic support use in Mining. Plz contact me: Mr
Jute Spinning Machinery, we prefer used but running well full setup. European Brand is favorable. 2009-10-31 2010-10-31 102790159/Automa tic_Strapping_Mac hine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102791575/full_aut 2009-10-31 2010-4-30 omatize_double_gl azing_glass_line_w ith_auto_cnc_cuttin g_machines.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102791474/Urgent 2009-10-31 2010-4-30 _Need_Buy_mobile _hydraulic_support _use_in_Mining.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-31 2009-11-14 102790482/Buy_Ju te_Spinning_Machi nery.html . com/buyofferdetail/
China machine wanted" face mask machine 2009-10-31 2009-11-14 102791505/_face_ mask_machine_wa nted_.html muneeb enteprisese
Co. SY Direct Ltd. Pakistan India
used textile machines
blowers without motor steel bending/folding processing
busness partner who can supply used textile machinery in pakistan
regenerative blowers without motor The length of the steel is 20 feet. For shapes see attachments. wanted pvc card . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-31 2010-10-31 102790415/used_t extile_machines.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-31 2010-10-31 102790883/regener ative_blowers_with out_motor.html baba.com/buyoffer 2009-10-31 2009-12-31 detail/300358597/st eel_bending_foldin g_processing.html
PRINTS India pvc card laminator
laminator for smart cards with A3 size five cooling and five heating stations machines to carve on 2009-10-31 2010-4-30 com/buyofferdetail/ 102790669/pvc_ca rd_laminator.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India machines 4G wood panels and doors 2009-10-31 2010-4-30 102791554/wood_c
Science and Technology Developing Co., Ltd.
Second Light China
Cutter And Pdc Dril Bits
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recycling line, from 2009-10-30 2010-11-7 arving_machines_4 G.html ibaba.com/buyoffer detail/300346225/B uy_Used_Pdc_Cutt er_And_Pdc_Dril _ Bits.html libaba.com/buyoffer
Co., Ltd.
TRADING AND China Vietnam machine
crushing to cleaning to pel eting, the whole line. 2009-10-30 2009-11-30 detail/300334048/fil m_recycling_machi ne.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102789692/Fabric_
LTD machine wanted fabric machine wanted 2009-10-30 2010-10-30 printing_machine_ wanted.html .
BISCUIT WE ARE LOOKING FOR com/buyofferdetail/
(HK) LTD ATESSONMEZ Hong Kong PRODUCTION LINE BISCUIT PRODUCTION LINE 2009-10-30 2009-11-30 102789664/BISCUI T_PRODUCTION_ LINE.html . com/buyofferdetail/
INDUSTRY Turkey FILLING&LABEL Urgent need of fil ing and ING MACHINE labeling machine 2009-10-30 2010-4-30 102788742/FILLIN G_LABELING_MA CHINE.html CHONG CHIN INDUSTRIAL CO. Hong Kong PARAG COPIGRAPH PVT India LTD HANS Marketing & Buying steel needle
The purpose of the steel needle is same as the steel nail. Spec. of steel needle: dia. 1.3mm, length: 11 mm We want to make plastic cores of ID12mm,18mm,25mm,3 8mm and length from 50mm to 210mm. Please send us your offer
2009-10-30 2010-4-30
com/buyofferdetail/ 102789887/Buying _steel_needle.html
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Malaysia Machine
Fried ice cream
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INDUSTRIES LTD India Anabond Limited India ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION PLANT Butyl tape sealant extruder and winding machine for machinery's and other equipments to set up aluminium extrusion plant
extruder and winding machine
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Making Machine CNC Engraving Machine 2009-10-30 2010-5-3 102789254/Shoe_ Mould_Making_Ma chine.html We are setting up Harison Motors India
SC.K-PAK.SRL Romania
assembly line
MACHINE OPENSIDE rule bending machine wanted Motorcycle assembly plant. we are looking for complete assembly line, pre -assembly line, Testing machinery. WITH 21 X 48 INCH TABLE SIZE, MAX CUTTING FORCE + 8000 Lbs, COMPLETE MACHINE REQUIRED WITH ACCCESSORIES,TOOL KIT, ALL MANUALS
cutting, bridging and lipping machine . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-30 2010-10-30 102788734/Motorc ycle_assembly_line .html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-30 2009-11-13 102788991/SHAPE R_MACHINE_OPE NSIDE.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-30 2010-10-30 102789099/rule_be nding_machine_wa nted.html
Aluminum Tube Fil ing and Automatic o semi- automatic aluminum tube fil ing and sealing machine (for
. com/buyofferdetail/ 102788854/Urgent _Aluminum_Tube_ Zhangjiagang Second Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd.
Sealing Machine Pharmaceutical purpose).
PPR-AL-PPR PPR pipe making line, pipe making line pls send me a quotaiton,thanks
Fil ing_and_Sealing _Machine.html libaba.com/buyoffer 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 detail/300328947/P PR_AL_PPR_pipe_ making_line.html
Export Co., Ltd Zhejiang Glass Fracture explosion proof 8, 10, 12MM To paste on the glass suitable for TV STAND 2009-10-29 2010-5-7 102786435/Temper ing_Glass_Fracture _.html ibaba.com/buyoffer
Machinery Co., Ltd. Foshan Nanhai China wire rope hoists wanted
explosion proof wire rope hoists 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 detail/300330222/e xplosion_proof_wir e_rope_hoists_wan ted.html libaba.com/buyoffer
Co., Ltd.
(Bd) pvt. ltd.
extrusion dies extrusion dies
I need 2 units of Automatic rice mil for Automatic rice large production in mil for large Bangladesh. Pls send production your detail of machines in set (Full range) w PLEASE QUOTE YOUR ROCK BOTTOM OFFER TUBE FILLING FOR THE SUPPLY OF 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 detail/300314169/al uminum_extrusion _dies.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102785551/I_need 2009-10-29 2009-11-29 _2_units_of_Autom atic_rice_mil _for_l arge_production.ht ml
Industries VIDYA METAL MFG. CO PVT LTD Mygasasli Saudi Arabia
MACHINE WANTED vacuum thermoforming machine Agar-agar production TUBE FILLING & SEALING MACHINE ONE MACHINE FOR ALMN. & PLASTIC WE REQUIRE MACHINE TO THERMOFORM POLYCARBONATE SHEET TO MAKE DOME, POLICE SHIELD We intend to start a new production industry in processing seaweed 2009-10-29 2010-2-28 102786658/TUBE_ FILLING_MACHIN E_WANTED.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102786063/vacuu m_thermoforming_ machine.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102787207/Agar_a
machinery (Gracilaria) to agar-agar both in strip & powder form gar_production_ma chinery.html
Co., Ltd. China
Cannon (IR2016J
I need 1 pc photocopy Cannon (IR2016J
baba.com/buyoffer 2009-10-29 2009-11-29 detail/300331881/p hotocopy_Cannon_ IR2016J.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India mesh & perforated sheet for 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102785343/Titaniu
INDUSTRIAS FIRME EIRL Peru perforated sheet Filtration application
LINE FOR W are looking for a SEMITRAILER production line for MANUFACTUR semitrailer manufacturer ER
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Ltd FAB GLOBAL Singapore Breaker parts
as moil point, stop valve and seals we want fabric printing 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 com/buyofferdetail/ 102785755/Breake r_parts.html . com/buyofferdetail/
machine turret mil ing machine machine for rice bags
TURRET MILLING MACHINE MODEL: X6325 ( 3 # ) XYZ axis travel : 780(880)/395/380mm variable speed head a dril ing bit having nozzles through which 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102786076/cloth_p rinting_machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102785772/turret_ mil ing_machine_.h tml .
Treding United Arab Emirates jet bit 4020 We are drilling fluid is directed in a high velocity stream to improve the efficiency of th 2009-10-29 2009-11-29 com/buyofferdetail/ 102787504/jet_bit_ 4020.html
Federation need:Semi automatic winder Semi automatic winder 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102785903/We_ar e_need_Semi_auto matic_winder_.html
United Agencies Bangladesh Bleaching Earth production Plant Bleaching earth production Plant by using Sulfuric Acid & Benton ate as raw-materials. Contact immediately . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102786240/Bleachi ng_Earth_productio n_Plant.html
Lathe machine (Heavy Duty) India brands only
We want to buy heavy duty lathe machine as per following: 5-6 feet bed length 14 inches bed width 13 inches center
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Republic equipment of inoculate wanted
RECYCLING Inoculate into melt material in time in which this is casted into mould WE NEED WASTE 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102786661/feeding _equipment_of_ino culate_wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102787695/TIRES
good condition shoes 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 _RECYCLING_PY ROLISIS_MACHIN E.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Pakistan Italian Shoe Machinery
machines for our new factory setup. Interested buyer contact as soon as possible. Required Tajima 2009-10-29 2009-12-29 102786129/Italian_ Shoe_Machinery.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Sernak Group Pakistan France Machine HYDRAULIC PRESS sulzer looms embroidery machines for our factory URGENTLY WE NEED HYDRAULIC PRESS (300/80 TON) FOR TURKEY. PLEASE CONTACT FOR TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS.
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com/buyofferdetail/ 102786073/HYDRA ULIC_PRESS.html
Pakistan parts for taxtie machienry 2009-10-29 2010-4-29 102786990/sulzer_l Ethiomart
parts wanted
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equipment drilling
equiment to produce cultured marblet
solvent printers. pls ffer 102785562/Water_ drilling.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-29 2009-11-12 102786587/artificial _stone_equipment. html . com/buyofferdetail/
Turkey solvent printer us cnf istnabul price include %5 commission. 2009-10-29 2009-11-12 102786865/solvent _printer.html Luzhou Chuanyou I want to buy the rusian
Production Equipment Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Jingli Printing Equipment Co., Ltd. 3D Lettering
United Kingdom screw gage wanted
machine standard screw gage for the 12 3/4" casing head, screw gage for the 9 5/8" and 6 5/8" hangers.
used machine with 5/6 color
plotter 48'' long framed aba.com/buyofferd 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 etail/300286090/scr ew_gage_wanted.h tml aba.com/buyofferd 2009-10-28 2010-5-7 etail/300278190/W eb_offset_machine .html
Construction & Turkey Trading Company Justright Heat printer cutter continuous casting machines and erection
machine heat send me yours price and details we need this product in Rawalpindi Pakistan an continuous casting factory wil be erected
buy a heat transfer 2009-10-28 2010-4-28
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Machinery Middle East For General Trading Egypt
press machine,heat transfer printer wanted drum Plug and Flange machine
machine for printing T- shirt,any one who this mahcine pls contact me
machine to produce (Metal Drum Plug and Flange 2" and 3/4")
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Australia manufacturing machine machine
2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102784248/Bi_cycl e_spoke_manufact uring_machine.html .
3 PIECE HIRTH HIRTH COUPLING COUPLING SETS, 72 TEETH, 200 DIA com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102782305/MULLE R_LABEL_MACHI NE.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-28 2009-12-28 102785078/3_PIEC E_HIRTH_COUPLI NG.html
EVA machine with EVA slipper molds and used injection moulding machines URGENT! plastic die casting product
machines and EVA slipper molds and Injection moulding machines Urgenly in Sri lanka, Please contact............
attachment picture of a product which is believed to be Plastic Die Casted. We like to buy pre inked rubber stamp mounts., HF series, plz quote the price. Minimum order 2place . com/buyofferdetail/ 102784189/Wante d_used_EVA_mac 2009-10-28 2010-10-28 hine_with_EVA_sli pper_molds_and_u sed_injection_moul ding_machines_UR GENT_.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102783222/plastic_ die_casting_produc t.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102783868/HF_Sta mps_machine_.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
inc Canada AIR-VALCUM printing machine Block forming AIR-VALCUM FOR DUPLO 8000S 1-QMY 4-45 Mobile Block Making Machine 2-QMJ 4-45 Block 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102783975/DUPLO _8000S_AIR_VAL CUM_printing_mac hine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
PURPLE Machine automatic brick Forming Machine 3-Egg-laying block machine mod .842 Hydr. we are looking for automatic brick making 2009-10-28 2009-11-28 102782821/Block_f orming_Machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
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export to south asia
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Volgametal Group Russian honing machine to hone cylinders
:equipment for the manufacture type honing machine to hone cylinders for go-kart engine mainly.
the manufacture of 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102784720/small_t ype_honing_machi ne_to_hone_cylind ers.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102782881/_We_a re_need_equipmen
of seamless stainless steel elbow. seamless stainless steel elbow. 2009-10-28 2010-10-29 t_for_the_manufact ure_of_seamless_s tainless_steel_elbo w_.html Hitech Machinery India CNC Turning Center
production CNC Turning center for Turning, dril ing and grinding of a SHAFT. WE WANT BUYER 2009-10-28 2010-4-28
com/buyofferdetail/ 102782327/CNC_T urning_Center.html . com/buyofferdetail/
2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102782413/CIRCU LLAR_FLEECE_K NITTING_MACHIN E.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India machinery spares spares for spinning machinery spares .
slitter-rewinder (rewinder 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102785008/Textile _machinery_spares .html
slitter-re winder Tube Mil of 22" dia Used Multi head for a small reels max. diam. 300 mm). Machine max width 1800 mm. Steel tube mil for mfg tube upto 22" dia
Embroidery Machines Tajima,Barudan,ZSK 2009-10-28 2009-11-28
com/buyofferdetail/ 102783399/slitter_r e_winder.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102783168/Tube_ Mil _of_22_dia.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Pakistan Embroidery Machine Industrial Minimum 20 head head to head distance 330+ minimum 6 needles per head 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102782516/Used_ Multi_head_Embroi dery_Machine.html
com/buyofferdetail/ Groupe Inna
machinery,equip We regularly buys and ments Food import food processing processing machines globaly machines
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Australia bean processing processing equipment equipment from Turkey.
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Costa Rica make ceramic cups machinery make ceramic cups 2009-10-28 2010-4-28 102783316/make_ ceramic_cups_mac hinery.html
I want to buy Pizza Cone Moulder. I would like to request you to provide
the detailed list of this product which you have, along Our company located in Uzbekistan and looking 2009-10-28 2010-10-28 102783758/Pizza_ Cone_Moulder.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Ningbo Jiangbei Digital-Controlled Equipment Factory
making equipment
agents of surface grinding machine
for Milk powder making euipment please quote you best price.
gloable to sell our products, if you are interested in our products please contact us.
spiral welded pipe 2009-10-28 2009-11-28 102784526/MILK_p owder_making_equ ipment.html - nc.en.alibaba.com/ buyofferdetail/3002 2009-10-27 2010-10-27 53535/Looking_for _agents_of_surfac e_grinding_machin e.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Development Corporation BetaMisr for Philippines spiral pipe machine mil
machine mil , ANY CONDITION & any make is acceptable to us.
2009-10-27 2010-10-27 102781299/Wante d_Used_spiral_pip e_machine_mil .ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Contracting works 3D Lettering Egypt Blast machine mobile shot blast (like blastrac) i need one printer + cutter plotter for vinyl 2009-10-27 2009-11-27 102779293/Mobile_ Shot_Blast_machin e.html . com/buyofferdetail/
solutions NANTONG FORTUNE printer cutter
stickers 48'' long format ( indoor photo printer ) inform price . NEW PROJECT "STEEL MILL" for making RODS 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102782144/printer_ cutter_.html
Packaging Machinery Factory
mil ,roll,mil machine
agent wanted
Machinery Wanted Trailer Sand of different gauges from Iron Scrap in different shapes if you come from trading company, or you want to sell our packing machine in your side , then contact with me freely
used Machinery to produce webbing for lifting slings Trailer Sandblasting and paint unit Equipment for 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102781664/steel_ mil _mil _roll_mil _ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2010-10-27 102781516/packing _machine_agent_w anted.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2010-10-27 102780799/Webbin g_Machinery_Want ed.html . com/buyofferdetail/
fro Trailers Saudi Arabia Blasting and Painting Equipment a Trailer manufacturing company. Equipment list + Price Required with reply. 2009-10-27 2009-11-27 102778786/Trailer_ Sand_Blasting_and _Painting_Equipme nt.html
Trading Company Bangladesh Oil Centrifuging machine
oil Centrifuging machine for coal fired power station . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102779454/Oil_Ce ntrifuging_machine. html .
COOPERATIVE CO Iran (Islamic Republic of) belgian cube sugar production line GLASS We need a belgian cube sugar production line Send me more information on the above com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2009-11-27 102780603/belgian _cube_sugar_prod uction_line.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Investments LTD South Africa MANUFACTURI machines,we are a South NG MACHINE african company and we need to establish a plant Interested in buying 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102781002/GLASS _MANUFACTURIN G_MACHINE.html
TRACON PVT India Paper / Plastic Core making Machine
Paper / Plastic Core making machine. Cores for FAX/ATM/POS rolls-ID12mm, 18mm, 25mm, 35mm. we want to buy cutting and bending machinery com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102778720/Paper_ Plastic_Core_maki ng_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102780260/cutting
bending machine of Rebar 8 mm to 36 mm for construction industry We require machinery for Plastic Caps making Plastic caps for _and_bending_ma chine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Co. Pakistan making machinery wanted Pepsi Cola/Coca Cola glass bottles. Inform CNF Karachi price and specifications WE NEED USED INJECTION MOULDING MACHINE OF 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102782060/Plastic _Caps_making_ma chinery_wanted.ht ml
ORE KK Safetec Systems Sl Japan
used injection plastic machine
spinning machine Cutting board JAPANESE MADE.JSW,THOSHIBA MITSUBISHI MEIKI AND KAWAGUCHI We are urgently looking to buy a cotton spinning machine with a capacity of minimum 10 tons per day.
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com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102779788/Buying _cotton_spinning_ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
with build-in knife sharpener
quotation for cutting board with build-in knife sharpener Minimum half automatic. Bottom and top heating. 2009-10-27 2009-12-27 102779455/Cutting _board_with_build_ in_knife_sharpener .html . com/buyofferdetail/
machine Minimum 6 mm PE sheets. 1000x1500 mm. CE approved 2009-10-27 2009-12-27 102779425/vacuu m_forming_machin e.html DarMal Trading Bahrain cup forming machine
Read carefully the requirements if you wish to sell your products to our regional area. cup, plate forming machine needed
com/buyofferdetail/ 102780614/cup_for ming_machine.html
machine and hot Die cutting machine + hot stamping stamping device. machine wanted
plastic extruders of pvc 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102781986/Die_cut ting_machine_and_ hot_stamping_mac hine_wanted.html .
United Kingdom plastic extruders or abs sheet to include a weatherable exterior woodgrain foils
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Cameroon Solvent printed or konica print heads 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 102779729/Solvent Pinko Arts
shirts embroidery machines wanted
shirts embroidery machine : 15 needles and 8 or 10 heads. Send pictures,specifications and price in USD "Waterproof and Breath
_printed_wanted.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 102779677/cap_an d_tee_shirts_embr oidery_machines_ wanted.html .
Hong Kong Lamination taking Lamination 2009-10-27 2010-4-27 com/buyofferdetail/ HAV.,Ltd Changzhou Hi-
cylinder Machine"
hydraulic cylinder C100- 200-3.
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& Electrical Co., Ltd.
China bean curd machine bean curd machine Metal Balers And 2009-10-26 2010-4-26 detail/300106584/b ean_curd_machine .html . com/buyofferdetail/
South Africa Metal Balers And Al igator Shear 2009-10-26 2010-4-26 102776726/Metal_
Vietnam Al igator Shear air covering machine
air covery machine send details and price CIF VIETNAM To me :yarnasian()hotmail()com
sealing glass & plastic 2009-10-26 2010-4-26 Balers_And_Al igat or_Shear.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102778137/air_cov ering_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India machine bottles with aluminium sheet. 2009-10-26 2010-10-26 102778373/Bottle_ sealing_machine.ht ml
we are looking for the manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts and needles for warp knitting machines of Karl Mayer and Liba Mineral water manufacturing equipment(machine)
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Full automat., without production of bottles and to
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applying kapton tape to 2009-10-26 2009-12-26 102776256/Kapton Shinjuku Design Australia Machine Heat Press Machines and Sublimation Products copper conductors Looking for heat press machines, sublimation products, ie paper, ink, blank products
_Taping_Machine. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102776206/Heat_P ress_Machines_an d_Sublimation_Pro ducts.html . com/buyofferdetail/
South Africa Continuous charcoal kiln that can produce at least 5-10 tons of charcoal per day. 2009-10-26 2010-2-26 102776219/Continu ous_charcoal_kiln. html .
Tunisia paper cup machine
we need paper cup machine
complete line of Process 2009-10-26 2010-4-26 com/buyofferdetail/ 102776156/paper_ cup_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
AlJazirah Trading
Saudi Arabia Machinery Manufacturer
for POP Bandage Machinery for Medical use ( Orthopedic use )
position type is 2009-10-25 2010-4-25 102773908/POP_B andage_Machinery _Manufacturer.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Co., Ltd. Speed Hydraulic Forging Press Wanted
required.The German maker of Lasco is preferred! 2009-10-25 2010-4-25 102775047/Used_ High_Speed_Hydra ulic_Forging_Press _Wanted_.html . Quasem Textile Mil s Limited Bangladesh Bleaching/Stente Textile ring/Mercerizing/ Bleaching/Stentering/Mer Dyeing/Finishing/ cerizing/Dyeing/Finishing/ 2009-10-25 2010-4-25 Printing Printing Machinery Machinery Wanted Wanted
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POLYMERS PVT India pp granules
manufacture granuels out . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-25 2009-11-25 102773983/pp_gra
making machine of pp cement bags scrap washed and dried nules_making_mac hine.html .
and exp.
Egypt Rig Instrumentation System Impact crushers wanted
We are very much interested to import Rig Instrumentation System
scale from big to small, i.e. the input big size, the output small size
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Pvt Ltd Jajoo Surgicals Pvt Ltd India
WATER PLANTs & MACHINERY latest Machinery for manufacturing syringes water plant in gurgaon.looking for supplier We are interested to put a new and latest plant for manufactuirng syringes. We need hydraulic 2009-10-25 2010-4-26
102773504/MINER AL_WATER_PLAN Ts_MACHINERY.h tml . com/buyofferdetail/ 102775253/latest_ Machinery_for_ma nufacturing_syringe s.html .
Enterprises Pakistan Power Chucks 3 Chuck three Jaw (soft Jaws Jaws) 1.5 pitch X 60 degree Product is used for com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-25 2010-4-25 102773880/Power_ Chucks_3_Jaws_.h tml .
Farming Dedania Overseas.
Metal Paper Tearing Stand Wanted line for making PEANUT BUTTER holding, cleaning and tearing paper roll. It is a stand like object with a paper roll holder and tearing bar We want to buy a complete production line for making PEANUT BUTTER. com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-25 2009-11-25 102774648/Metal_ Paper_Tearing_Sta nd_Wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-25 2010-4-25 102774996/line_for _making_PEANUT _BUTTER_.html .
Insulation batts we are intersted to buy 2009-10-25 2010-4-25 com/buyofferdetail/
packaging machine insulation batts . our company is currently interested in buying a cotton buds/cottonswab packaging machine that wil pack cotton buds/cottonswab 102774815/Insulati on_batts_.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-25 2010-11-7 102773264/cotton_ buds_packaging_m achine.html .
Taiwan bowl cutter 12L to 15L bowl cutter for hotdogs and hams 2009-10-25 2009-11-25 com/buyofferdetail/ 102774662/bowl_c utter.html
cavaly Inspection
Libyan Arab Color sorting machine for walnut kernels
color sorting machine to be used for walnut kernel sorting size 1/2, 1/4, 1/8
for processing the meat
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Envirabvle Technologies & Systems RAJKUMAR Jamahiriya machines
of poultry from a to z We are intend to Set up a new paper plant of 100 Tons/24h capacity Expandable to 200 Tons/24h, with New or used machinery 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102772308/machin es.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102771987/Paper_ Plant.html
Coal crusher 300 Need coal crusher 400- com/buyofferdetail/
India mesh 500 kgs/hr in 300 mesh 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102772892/Coal_cr
usher_300_mesh.h tml .
industries(p)Ltd. India
MACHINERY PVT India LTD food processing machinery Paper hloe making machine Require Injection we need planetary mixer please send quote for 100ltr,200ltr,500ltr/kg
punching machine in paper hole size 5 to 6 mm at a distance of 45 x 45 mm. Paper gsm is 65 We are looking for bonafide manufacturer com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102771627/food_pr ocessing_machiner y_.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102771460/Paper_ hloe_making_mach ine.html
International Asianlak Health Foods Ltd. Anwara Trade International Bangladesh
Moulding Machine Spares for Coal Fired Power plant aluminium can fil ing line complete for carbonated soft drinks Buy Injection Moulding Machine for supply & installation of injection moulding machine regarding production of pen. We are very much interested to import Spares for 6.6 KV & 230 KV System of 2x125 MW Coal Fired Power. Required a CSD aluminium can fil ing line complete with Depal etizers, rope conveyors and can fil er/ seamer cap. 200BPM we are interested to import of injection moulding machine on turnkey basis for manufacturing of pen. 2009-10-24 2009-11-24 102771632/Requir e_Injection_Mouldi ng_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-24 2010-2-24 102771231/Spares _for_Coal_Fired_P ower_plant.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102772677/alumini 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 um_can_fil ing_line _complete_for_car bonated_soft_drink s.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-24 2009-12-24 102772925/Buy_Inj ection_Moulding_M achine.html marketing servies Egypt
. com/buyofferdetail/
RW from indonisa only 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102771744/FDY_m achine_.html WE NEED FOR THE .
NARROW FABRIC MACHINE Food Detoxification Machine
assembly line for CTV,refrigerator, air conditioner ELEASTIC MACHINE FOR COMEZ- CROCHET WITH 6/8/12 BAR We need small LOW COST and portable machine for Home use, to clean and detoxify Meat and Vegetables.
assembly / manufacturing line for CTV , air conditioner,refrigerator
We are an international com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102771359/_NARR OW_FABRIC_MA CHINE_.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102773079/Food_ Detoxification_Mac hine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102771139/second 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 _hand_assembly_li ne_for_CTV_refrig erator_air_conditio ner.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Hong Kong Salt Crushing production line
machinery for trading company hong kong, looking for Salt Crushing production line , capacity:200 M Who can supply complete plant & machinery to produce 2009-10-24 2010-4-24 102771515/Salt_Cr ushing_production_ line_.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102771351/Plant_
Bangladesh Denim Cloth textile machinery cotton Denim Cloth (normal and indigo denim). I DO NOT NEED denim cloth I need a thermo machine 2009-10-24 2010-5-8 machinery_for_Den im_Cloth_textile_m achinery_.html . Plastipack Beristain Agencias Aduanales de
THERMOFORMI to be automatic, a width NG MACHINE of max 450mm *450mm FOR a depth max of 140mm PVC,PP,PET with a thickness of 1.3mm FOR PVC PE Need VERTICAL TEA PACKING MACHINE Vertical Tea PLS CHECK ATTACHED
com/buyofferdetail/ 102772451/THER MOFORMING_MA CHINE_FOR_PVC _PP_PET.html
C.V. Hejian Solidkey Mexico Packing Machine SPECS AND SEND Wanted CONCRETE QUOTATION. MANY THANKS! need used pdc bit 2009-10-23 2010-2-23 102770530/Vertical _Tea_Packing_Ma chine_Wanted.html baba.com/buyoffer
Machinery Co., Ltd. China buy used pdc bit urgently,please contact us if you have the interest,many thanks 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 detail/299883564/b uy_used_pdc_bit.ht ml Panzhihua Nanhui Technology Co., Ltd.
vacuum induction/smeltin g furnace
100kg vacuum induction/ smelting furnace.Please offer your best price.
quality yogurt machine.
aba.com/buyofferd etail/299925469/va cuum_induction_s melting_furnace.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Philippines for Yogurt Machine
Thank you. non-Gold Suppliers, no need to send quotation. Thanks. We are looking for wallpaper printing machine to print vinyl, 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 102768856/Need_ Quotation_for_Yog urt_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India Printing Machine pvc,paper and textile with various design up to 4 colors. complete set of dringking drinking water water manufaxturing manufacturing facilities, including, 2009-10-23 2009-11-23 102769146/wallpap ers_Printing_Machi ne.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-23 2010-10-23 102770865/drinkin
ARABIAN ART facilities automatic fil ing to the bottle and cup g_water_manufact uring_facilities.html . com/buyofferdetail/
GLASS Saudi Arabia Water Jet Cutting Machine Macadamia Water-jet cutting machine
processing equipment for 2009-10-23 2010-2-23 102770462/Water_ Jet_Cutting_Machi ne.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Kenya processing equipment wanted. macadamia nuts and cashew nuts. These should be able to crack, dry, roast and pack.
2009-10-23 2010-4-23 102769909/Macad amia_processing_e quipment_wanted_. html . com/buyofferdetail/
Jordan cement plant needed
production line with output of 10000 tons/day Small volum pump fil er 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 102770425/cement _plant_needed.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/
United States 30ml)fil liquid fil ing machine
Embroidery machine computerized embroidery machin for the Liquid and semi viscos(Cream) fot the sample dose.
head computerized embroidery machine with 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 102770550/Small_ dose_1_30ml_fil _li quid_fil ing_machin e_.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102768696/Single_ head_Embroidery_ machine_computer
India machine,sequin computerized embroidery 520mm*450mm embroidery area, 9 needles,9833608983 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 ized_embroidery_ machine_sequin_c omputerized_embr
er embroidery machine oidery_machine_co mputer_embroidery _machine.html Baswa Developers Inc Ethiopia Tomato Paste Production Line
paste production line with a capacity of 1ton/hr. Its a part of Lonati socks . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-23 2010-2-23 102768916/Tomato _Paste_Production _Line.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Trading GIRISH Pakistan Trinidad and Tobago knitting machines electronic card
Hot Rol ed coil knitting machine for electronic operation of machine.
mil s from 20 tons per hour to 300 tons per hour "Hot Rol ed coil making mil " for 800to1000Kg.thick=1.2to 2009-10-23 2010-2-23 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 102769184/Lonati_ socks_knitting_ma chines_electronic_ card.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102769808/Rice_M il s.html
making plant 3.5mm & 125to250mm width. Production capicity=5000 to 6000 MT per mnth 2009-10-23 2009-11-23 102770861/Hot_Ro l ed_coil_making_pl ant.html .
India embroidery machine wanted quartz embroidery machine
2009-10-23 2010-4-23 com/buyofferdetail/ 102768826/embroi dery_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India stone production complete artificial quartz plant stone production line
2009-10-23 2009-12-23 102770941/wanted _quartz_stone_pro duction_plant.html .
Italy peanuts cleaning Machine manufacturer for machinery for peanuts assessing and cleaning. com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-23 2010-4-23 102768879/_peanu ts_cleaning_Machi ne_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Belcar Company Russian Federation Injection molding robot for plastic injection robots wanted molding machine I need a printer that can Silicone print a whole silicone 2009-10-23 2010-2-23 102770141/Injectio n_molding_robots_ wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Office ) Yuyao Longwell International China CO.,Ltd. Wristband Printer foil printing machine ,foil printed machine,foil printed fabrics wanted Band like the livestrong band , that also can print in diferent color band
onto the fabrics 2009-10-22 2009-12-22 102767347/Silicone _Wristband_Printer .html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102767979/foil_pri 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 nting_machine_foil _printed_machine_ foil_printed_fabrics _wanted.html Harbin JIMA Machinery Trading China Co., Ltd.
single point press machinery /straight side single point press wanted
making machine,connect ors, solar
2500T straight side single point press. 2009-10-22 2009-11-21 . com/buyofferdetail/ 102768307/Used_c losed_single_point _press_machinery_ straight_side_singl e_point_press_wan ted.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102767312/steel_f oam_making_mac
AND TRADE LLC polystyrene resin for foam boards,cups,foo d containers goldsmith steel,connectors
workshop equipment 2009-10-22 2010-10-22 hine_connectors_s olar_heaters_polyst yrene_resin_for_fo am_boards_cups_f ood_containers.ht ml
Alsharif&Sons Co. Sudan Ltd
Processing Ind. Nepal workshop equipments &tools Tsudakoma &tools for gold processing (include smal smelting furnace working with LPG (10-15kg ca Stigma Water jet looms :- Model 302, 303, 305 With Dobby as well as com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 102766654/goldsmi th_workshop_equip ments_tools.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-22 2009-11-22 102766133/Tsudak
Richpeace Group Water Jet Looms without Dobby. Single or Double nozzle. Any Quantity. model:RPK-ASD-52''- 12G knitting speed: max to Hong Kong knitting machine 1.2m/sec oma_Water_Jet_L ooms.html
alibaba.com/buyoff 2009-10-22 2010-10-22 erdetail/299774592
WANTED Drive System:Belt-driven, AC servo motor driven without limits. Clay Extruder, Clay Shearing Dies, Pug Sealer, Water Spray /knitting_machine_ sell.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102766733/MACHI
LTD LT Technology India
Bentonite Processing Machinery winding Assembly for Mineral Processing, similar to J.C.Steele & Sons Inc USA
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Kingdom machinery of thread winding machinery 2009-10-22 2009-11-22 102765931/winding OTIX Company sewing thread
forming machine for _machinery_of_se wing_thread.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Hong Kong Forming Machine metal duct(up to 7m long) 2009-10-22 2009-11-22 102766330/Needin forming. Please contact g_Roll_Forming_M us for details. achine.html
mil ing machinery center
We are looing for the CNC boring and mil ing machining center in foreign country.Youcan quote me ghyl yang at hotmail.com automatic system for paint spraying on small
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spraying machine
panel 70 x1400mn, horizontal position for paint lab, and color control Wanted: Probatino/Probatone or equivalent 10-15 kg 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 102767202/automa tic_paint_spraying_ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102768435/Wante
Pro bat/Died rich Coffee Roaster CNC capacity coffee roaster in Sweden or vicinity. Prefer electric.
2009-10-22 2010-4-22 d_Used_Pro_bat_ Died_rich_Coffee_ Roaster.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Woodworking Machinery router wood processing. 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 102766675/CNC_ Woodworking_Mac hinery.html
Sewing Machines Need automated sewing machines for manufacture of plush toys/soft toys looking for used or new spider or octupuss . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 102768349/Automa ted_Sewing_Machi nes.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Techno Cast India
spider printing machine
OF INSULATION PAD FOR FURNACE Delta / pyramid type packing machine Laboratory printing machine should be from italy,ameica,germany or japan. WE ARE USER FOR SAME MATERIAL
packing machine, delta / pyramid type packing machine
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Bulgaria extruder PP, HPDE PA I NEED extruder for PP,HDPE ,PA
DIFFERENT KIND OF 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 102768640/Laborat ory_extruder_PP_H PDE_PA.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Pakistan CARTON MANUFACTURI NG MACHINE CARTON MANUFACTURING MACHINES 2009-10-22 2010-4-22 102766238/I_NEE D_CARTON_MAN UFACTURING_MA CHINE.html Promotora de Asistencia Inmobiliaria, S. A. de C. V.
Numerical Control Machinery Co., Ltd. Xidengbao Mattress Machinery
China China
winding&labellin g machine spring coiling machine,spring We are looking for a 3D Printer fo Buidings Models, we do not need it to be very acurate but the biggest printing area, the best we are looking for skein winding&labelling machine urgnetly ,kindly pls send details ,price,delivery ,packing,shipping cost.tks
machine--sofa spring
2009-10-21 2010-4-21 2009-10-21 2010-4-25
com/buyofferdetail/ 102764976/3D_Pri nter.html .alibaba.com/buyoff erdetail/299575310 /skein_winding_lab elling_machine.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/ 102765508/spring_ coiling_machine_s
Ltd Dongguan Xinwang Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. China forming machine forming machine
Shredder and urgently need Shredder PVC and copper and PVC and copper SEPARATOR SEPARATOR. 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 pring_forming_mac hine.html - dg.en.alibaba.com/ buyofferdetail/2995 44412/In_urgent_n eed_of_Shredder_ and_PVC_and_cop per_SEPARATOR. html .
enka commercial co., ltd.
Water transfer Printing Machine wanted
We require Water Transfer Printing Machine for Printing Plastic Household items
moulding machine for
com/buyofferdetail/ 102763244/Water_ transfer_Printing_M achine_wanted.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/
co., ltd. Foshan Nanhai China machine wanted manufacturing Car spoilers 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 102763226/blow_m oulding_machine_ wanted.html enware.en.alibaba.
Kitchenware Factory Shenzhen Cheng China cotton candy machine wanted Label flexo find some nice price cotton candy machine ,quality muest be good i am looking for good 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 com/buyofferdetail/ 299483936/cotton_ candy_machine_w anted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
printing machine
cutting, welding machinery for Stainless steel quality label flexo printing machine(4 color).
looking for high quality Elevators process lines containing welding, lazer cutting, shearing, and folding 2009-10-21 2009-11-21 102762671/Label_f lexo_printing_mach ine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102763301/Folding 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 _lazer_cutting_wel ding_machinery_fo r_Stainless_steel.ht ml Euro-Industrial Equipment UK. Ltd. Euro-Industrial
machines, Printing machines, packaging machines, Beverage & food processing machines, etc Oil rigs, Mining . com/buyofferdetail/ 102763457/Offer_t 2009-10-21 2010-10-21 o_Buy_INDUSTRIA L_MACHINE_OTH ER_MACHINES.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Ltd. United Kingdom AND MINING MACHINERY machinery, equipment handling machines
PURCHASING A MACHINE THAT CAN 2009-10-21 2010-10-21 102763436/_Buy_ OIL_RIGS_AND_M INING_MACHINER Y.html
works limited Tobago wooden broom handle machine MAKE THREADED WOODEN BROOM HANDLE WITH A ROUNDED TOP 2009-10-21 2010-10-21 102764127/wooden _broom_handle_m achine.html
co ;ltd BI-GOKS COMPANY LIMITED A.S.I Commerce China
type recap machine LOOKING OF PARTNER IN BUILDING ENERGY DRINK MANUFACTURI NG COMPANY New machine type recap machine
venture in building manufacturing company on ENERGY DRINK IN GHANA.
who wants to invest in 2009-10-21 2010-4-21
com/buyofferdetail/ 102762986/type_re cap_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102763914/LOOKI NG_OF_PARTNE R_IN_BUILDING_ ENERGY_DRINK_ MANUFACTURIN G_COMPANY.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Malaysia Wanted second hand morocco. I own a trading company in Casablanca/Morocco. we are looking for second hand doubler machine fuly or semi 2009-10-21 2010-10-21 102763081/New_m achine_Wanted.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
enterprise India doubler machine automatic for require polyester/viscose interested seller can send offer Am looking for A27 vbelt 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 102763207/second _hand_doubler_ma chine_require.html
s Venezuela V belts wanted United States lathe machine 5000 pcs per each month if prices and quality are good lathe machine to manufacture conical flasks from brisket glass pipes- distance between center 2000mm,quantity 2 machines 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 2009-10-21 2010-4-26 com/buyofferdetail/ 102765391/V_belts _wanted.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102764745/lathe_ machine.html Makegood mold, Inc United States injection machine Textile looking for injection machines,would like to main styles you can provide, please send catalogue We need al types of weaving and processing 2009-10-21 2009-11-21
com/buyofferdetail/ 102765292/injectio n_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Machinery Spare machinery spare parts for 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 102762938/Textile
parts FOOD our plant for all european machinery.
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PROCESSING FRENCH FRIES PLANT 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 102764043/FOOD_ New Mind Co., Ltd Mongolia PLANT
Machine We need this kind of Gluing machine for our Newspaperdirect service. Wanted glass bottle fil ing
PROCESSING_PL ANT.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102765148/A3_Glu e_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
United States Wanted glass bottle fil ing line
line for mineral water
2009-10-21 2010-10-21 102763033/Wante d_glass_bottle_fil in g_line.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Yemen Embroidery & textile Machines Embroidery & textile Machines
shirt printer white ink 2009-10-21 2009-12-21 102763780/Parts_o f_Embroidery_textil e_Machines.html
United States Apparel Printer Gel making needed to print dark shirts paypal payment required NO TT/wire transfer
2009-10-21 2010-4-21 com/buyofferdetail/ 102764423/Apparel _Printer_.html
Algeria machine making machine (gel for hair )
2009-10-21 2009-11-21 102763075/Gel_m aking_machine.htm l .
WEI SHENG NOODLE India cement plant wanted
tons per day capacity cement plant (used or new)
quantitative packer (the 2009-10-21 2010-4-21 com/buyofferdetail/ 102762771/cement _plant_wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
MACHINE CO.,LTD ElSewedy Taiwan packaging machine Second Hand nitrogen and carbon dioxide are angry) We need to buy used 2009-10-20 2010-4-20 102761605/Raw_n oodles_packaging_ machine_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Egypt Cement Mil cement mil from Europe 2009-10-20 2010-4-20 102760032/Second
l .html
. com/buyofferdetail/
industry .co Gtc General
food container semi/manual operation machine
we intend to purchase a aluminum foil food container production line
machine that coats 102759833/alumin 2009-10-20 2009-12-20 um_foil_food_conta iner_semi_manual_ operation_machine .html . com/buyofferdetail/
machine plastic cutlery with silver metalization. we need stone crusher parts like concave,jaw 2009-10-20 2009-11-20 102760029/vacuu m_coating_machin e_.html .
Co., Inc United States Concave wanted plate,liner plate etc.please kindly send your price list.
2009-10-20 2010-4-20 com/buyofferdetail/ 102758772/Concav e_wanted.html ibaba.com/buyoffer
EVA Firm TRIPTA China High speed warp knitting machine
Shuttleless Rjpc4f-nn ks3-EBc HDR6-Dplm/60
Shuttleless Looms with 2009-10-20 2010-11-2
detail/299304787/H igh_speed_warp_k nitting_machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 102760178/Wante
Looms With Jacquards Coal Acticated Electronic Jacquards. Plz Revert. Looking for production d_Shuttleless_Loo ms_With_Jacquard s.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Genovators Renewable India Carbon Black Production Machinery Lead Acid machinery for activated carbon black from coal
project for Lead Acid Battery in North India for 2009-10-20 2010-4-20 102761797/Coal_A cticated_Carbon_Bl ack_Production_M achinery.html . com/buyofferdetail/
OTIX Company Limited broadfieldmetals1 984 India
United Kingdom Battery Assembly Line
injection mold machine
machinery wanted assembling 2ah to 24ah batteries for motorcycle usage. Urgently needing injection molding machine to produce plastic cargo pallet. Please contact us for details. we are able to remove heavy machinery to clear the way for further upgrades in any business 2009-10-20 2009-11-20 102761784/Lead_A cid_Battery_Assem bly_Line.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-20 2009-11-20 102761444/Needin g_injection_mold_ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-20 2010-4-20 102759902/demoliti on_machinery_wan ted.html Laika International India
machine/flat lock machine ( both with and without elastic attachment ) broken glass
4thread overlock machine and flat lock machine with and without elastic attachment 2009-10-20 2010-10-20 . com/buyofferdetail/ 102759093/overloc k_machine_flat_loc k_machine_both_w ith_and_without_el astic_attachment_. html . com/buyofferdetail/
Russian Federation Russian Federation
recycling machinery and technology equipment needed for processing of the broken glass
Purchase Used Coffee Roaster recycling machinery for cullet glass
Want to purchase used coffee roaster. Prefer Probatone 12 or equivalent.
Texturising Polyester 2009-10-20 2010-4-20
102759785/broken _glass_recycling_ machinery_and_tec hnology.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102759722/equipm ent_needed_for_pr ocessing_of_the_br oken_glass.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102760775/Want_t o_Purchase_Used _Coffee_Roaster.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Used Texturising yarns machines Polyester yarn reconditioned and in 2009-10-20 2009-11-20 102760476/Used_ Texturising_Polyest
New York Moto Greece
Scrap Nickel good condition CIF lattakia/Syria. G. Sandouk soft ice cream machine with 2 flavours+1 mix ,output of 40 to 50 L per hour
er_yarn_machines. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-20 2009-11-30 102760283/soft_ice _cream_machine.h tml . com/buyofferdetail/ 102761809/Want_t 2009-10-20 2010-4-20
Rotary Screen
wants to buy some high 2009-10-20 2010-2-20 o_Buy_Scrap_Nick el_Rotary_Screen. html . com/buyofferdetail/
South Africa Machine
MIX, SOFT SERVE MACHINES quality embroidery machine. ICE CREAM CONE MANUFACTURER WANTS TO ALSO SELL SOFT SERVE MACHINES AND SOFT SERVE MIX. 2009-10-20 2010-4-20 102760321/Embroi dery_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102759420/SOFT_ SERVE_MIX_SOF T_SERVE_MACHI NES.html Pil ow shape
pil ow shape charcoal . com/buyofferdetail/ 102760152/Pil ow_
Malaysia charcoal making making machine.Any machine manufacturer please contact me.THANKS automatic vacuum machine to pack small 2009-10-20 2010-10-20 shape_charcoal_m aking_machine.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/
Zhengzhou Siwei Grain & Oil France vacuum machine stones, use small bags and bags (8.00 x 6.00 mm), need to be sealed and air vacuum
Pressure, Static 2009-10-20 2009-11-20 102761642/vacuu m_machine_and_b ags.html ba.com/buyofferdet ail/299278578/Diffe
Technology Co., Ltd. China Pressure, Temperature Recorders Details see attachment 2009-10-19 2010-4-19 rential_Pressure_S tatic_Pressure_Te mperature_Record ers.html
Ultrasonic Electronic Equipment Factory
Earthwork Grid Production Line Equipment wood shaving Earthwork Grid Production Line Equipment 1.Dryer for woodshavings. It can be belt dryer as well.
.alibaba.com/buyoff erdetail/299242389 /Earthwork_Grid_P roduction_Line_Eq uipment.html
CONSTRUCTION Latvia dryer & baler I am looking for capacity 3000-6000kg/h. output humidity: 10-12%. 2.Baler for shavings
business. I need 2009-10-19 2009-12-19 102755444/wood_s having_dryer_baler .html . com/buyofferdetail/
reconditioning United States a complete xbox equipment. rebal ing 360/ps3 pro3 station pro 3 complete reballing kit.l xbox 360/ps3 kit. i also i need a desolder gun. 102757202/I_am_l 2009-10-19 2009-11-19 ooking_for_a_com plete_xbox_360_ps 3_pro3_rebal ing_ki t_l.html . Mutahar for Trade and Services
Single-wall corrugated pipe production line used materials PVC and PE diameter 12mm and 20mm
com/buyofferdetail/ 102757115/Single_ wall_corrugated_pi pe_production_line _.html .
CEO of AMRU Group com/buyofferdetail/
Group Limited Machine based in Cambodia, would like to buy the chopsticks machine both bam 2009-10-19 2010-10-19 102757888/Chopsti cks_Machine.html
Iran (Islamic Diamond cut
surface on top of metal . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-19 2009-12-19 102756885/Diamon
ARABIAN ART machine logo and badge
d_cut_machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Saudi Arabia Laminated Glass Machine 2009-10-19 2010-2-19 102756055/Lamina
Private Limited Saudi Arabia India Machine
Laminating Machines wanted OLD pe extruder wanted
plastic extruder with 170 mm dia
ted_Glass_Machin e.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-19 2009-12-19 102757286/Glass_ Laminating_Machin es_wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-19 2010-4-19 102757667/OLD_p e_extruder_wanted _.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India pal et/granules making machine from 2009-10-19 2010-4-19 102757663/recycle
making machine plastic waste
_PE_pallet_granule s_making_machine .html . com/buyofferdetail/ CHEMSTREET CHEMICALS LIMITED AUM GREEN RESOURCES PVT LTD Shaanxi Scitec Co., Ltd.
India China winding machine, facial Tissue Machine, Mother rolls for both Toilet Paper and Facial Tissues
machines for non woven bags
I need toilet paper rewinding machine, facial tissue machine, mother rolls for both toilet paper and facial tissues.
machines for non woven bags sewing & spot welding. Pls send your machine photos & FOB price to us. We need sendzimir mil , width of roll:800mm;thickness:0.5 -0.15mm;output:2000ton per month. investment casting,sand casting,precision casting,carbon steel
2009-10-19 2010-4-19 2009-10-19 2009-12-19 102757419/Toilet_ Paper_Re_winding _machine_facial_Ti ssue_Machine_Mot her_rolls_for_both_ Toilet_Paper_and_ Facial_Tissues.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/ 102758334/Ultraso nic_machines_for_ non_woven_bags.h tml ba.com/buyofferdet ail/299271715/Sen dzimir_Mil .html
Hong Kong casting wanted casting,stainless steel casting,iron casting,aluminium casting,zi 2009-10-19 2010-10-29 102755782/casting _wanted.html
Co. Home Care Products Egypt
Dir sir This is El Mouafak Company for Industrial food . We are Looking for a machine to " Cook and Packaging Apricot " in a
fil ing/Capping machine for aerosol canes 100ml- 500ml, sami automatic. in best price.
rice mil to process 2 to 3 2009-10-19 2010-4-19
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LTD bits and bil s Chile Vietnam Nigeria drilling machine
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stitch sewing machine 6150 5550 8700 we are label manufacturer and looking for ultrasonic cutting 2009-10-19 2010-4-19 102756101/100_m achine_month.html
Group for General Jordan Investments machine required tire retreading Equipments machine. The fabric cutting width should be more than 8 inches. * We need to buy re- treading equipments to re-tread small and big sizes (14" up to 24") by cold system chamber. 2009-10-19 2010-4-19 102758408/ultraso nic_cutting_machin e_required.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-18 2010-10-23 102753460/tire_retr eading_Equipment s.html
International Trading Co. MOLSANDO Canada
punched paper machinery PALM OIL Two machineries from this model are available LB 70 - 1970 LB 70 - 1974
Al spare parts and data are available WE NEED TO BUY A PALM OIL REFINING 2009-10-18 2010-10-19
com/buyofferdetail/ 102754982/LB_70_ Loose_leaf_punche d_paper_machiner y.html
DOMINGO SA Desiatov Developments P/L Australia REFINING AND FRACTION PLANT router bit AND FRACTION PLANT, NEW OR SECOND HAND. CAPACITY 100 TPD We require a bulk purchase of a specific router bit We require a V groove 90 degree 1/2 inch shank Deep-1- 15/64inch 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 2009-10-18 2009-11-18 102754947/PALM_ OIL_REFINING_A ND_FRACTION_P LANT.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102754495/router_ bit.html
France buy dril machine buy dril machine and 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 com/buyofferdetail/
S/B Malaysia
Metal Machinery/Equip ment Wanted safty equipment Machinery like Balers, Aligator cutter, hard press all are welcome
WIND TURBINE TOWERS MADE TO 2009-10-18 2010-10-18 102755107/buy_dril l_machine_.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102755209/Used_ Scrap_Metal_Mach inery_Equipment_ Wanted.html
WIND TURBINE OUR SPECIFICATION TOWERS FOR 5KW TURBINES 15M AND 18M HIGH 10KW TURBINES 15 AND18M HIGH I'm looking for complete set of safety match safety match making machine, both making machine new and used, I need in very urgent,Only for verified members We freeze liquid foods We need TEFLON plates. 2009-10-18 2009-11-18 102754056/WIND_ TURBINE_TOWER S.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 102753962/safety_ match_making_ma chine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Teflon plate Dimensions: 600mm*600mm. Must resist -100 degrees Celsius. 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 102754272/Teflon_ plate.html Jayant Marketing India paper Notebook manufacturing machine
Require al machines from rulling, counting binding cutting etc needed for manufacturing paper notebook
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production line material, machineries 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 102753443/Floral_f
Rainbow Foods India
sewing machine pure water production line
Autobagger line FULLY AUTOMATIC and technology. SUBJECT: - SEMI AUTO-MATIC USED BOOK SEWING MACHINE WITH THREAD We are interested in pure water production line. Pls informs us the related production line, equipment, technology and proposal. 10 Head Multipond (Dimpled Surface) Automatic Weighing Forming Filling and Sealing Machine with speed of 40 Bags per minute. Eac COMPLETE AUTOMATIC PLANT FOR MAKING oam_production_lin e.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 102753404/thread_ book_sewing_mac hine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-18 2010-4-18 102755004/pure_w ater_production_lin e.html
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division of Mai United States Flagging Machine United Liquid Packaging Kingdom Machines Manufacturing/constructi ng Machine
based company looking for a Liquid Packaging Machine for drinking water in Ghana West Africa. We are look Looking for citrus juice 2009-10-18 2009-11-18 102754232/Elliptica l_Head_Flagging_ Machine.html
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Manufacturing Co Ltd Vietnam Juice extraction machine extraction machines for small and medium scale production facility 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102751735/Juice_e xtraction_machine. html MINEREX GENERAL TRADING LLC
underground loader with 2 to 5 m3 Bocket Size. 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 . com/buyofferdetail/ 102752909/Underg round_Loader.html . Dynamic Sportswear Pvt Ltd Pakistan Gorisek in Gorisek Socks packaging Interested to purchase tables and socks packaging tables accessories in and accessories from China China
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com/buyofferdetail/ 102751505/Industri
3M Management Bangladesh
factory rubber making machinery flux banner Technology for any small factory flux banner printing machine, need Indian 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 al_Technology_for _setting_new_facto ry_rubber_making_ machinery.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102753029/flux_ba
printing machine manufacturer and also offset printing machine we want blow moulding nner_printing_mac hine.html . STURDY INDUSTRIES LTD India Envirogreen United Recycling Kingdom blow moulding machine for water tanks
Horizontal Baler with conveyor belt feed machinery to manufacture water tanks from 100litres to 1500litres tank imediately . Hi, we are looking to purchase an Automatic Horizontal Baler with conveyor belt feed that can process between 8- 15 tonnes of car We want for our new plant a packing machine
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Ltd Wholesale$supplie Cyprus Charcoal packing machine for charcoal equiped also with dust removing device screen or air force DOUBLE HEAD LATHE FOR THE MANUFACTURING OF 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102752542/Charco al_packing_machin e.html
CONICAL SHAPE 2009-10-17 2009-11-17 102752757/GLASS
MACHINEW FLASKS FOR LABORATORY USE _MAKING_MACHI NEW.html mayur enterprises India OU Holdings Ltd China
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Plants Seeking pls advice about cotton t-shirt degital printing machine capacity of 500pcs to 1000pcs per day U.S. OU HOLDINGS LTD is urgently looking for food packaging assembly plants. I want Universal mil ing machine with table . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102752166/cotton_ t_shirt_digital_printi ng_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102751533/Food_ Assembly_Plants_ Seeking.html
Morocco Mil ing Machine Jute Rope Minimum travel XYZ: 1000 X 450 X 500 with rotary table 360 Diam 450mm. DEAR ALL, I AM LOOKING FOR ROPE MAKING MACHINERY.THE 2009-10-17 2009-11-17 com/buyofferdetail/ 102751641/Milling_ Machine.html
Bunty Group India
manufacturing machine Fly ash brick machines
for silicone bracelets
MATERIAL FOR ROPE MUST BE JUTE. PLEASE SEND ME THE OFFERS WITH PRICES We are needing urgently brick making plant for our new residential cum commercial project of 1.5 mil ion sq ft. We are looking for a machine to do personalized printing in silicone wristbands or bracelets. Small or medium size machine We are looking for a machine to do 2009-10-17 2009-11-17 102752947/Jute_R ope_manufacturing _machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102751462/Fly_ash _brick_machines.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102752573/printing _machine_for_silic one_bracelets.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Puerto Rico machine for silicone bracelets
personalized printing in silicone wristbands or bracelets. Small or medium size machine Looking to buy needle loom machine with 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102752569/engravi ng_machine_for_sil icone_bracelets.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Topline Group For Poland machine needed positive weft to produce elastic. size: 2/165 2/200 2/220 2/250 2009-10-17 2010-4-17 102752624/needle _loom_machine_ne eded.html .
I want to buy a soap bar com/buyofferdetail/
Services Topline Group For machine manufacturing line.
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and printing sections. il_fil ing_machine_ wanted.html R.Stoll Handelsagentur Germany cup making machine we need cup making machine to europa. the machine uses PET, cup capacity 100ml to max. 1L. we need many cup making machines! we are looking for a glitter powder packing
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Products Colombia
glitter packing machine
machine machine that can pack from 3 grams in vial tubes and jars, to pounds and kilograms
and packing machine
print silicone at a fine 2009-10-16 2010-4-16 102750864/glitter_ packing_machine.h tml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-16 2009-11-16 102749611/Aerosol _fil ing_machine.ht ml
Cylinder Box resolution without a stencil. A jet type printer or anything that would work. 2009-10-16 2009-12-16 com/buyofferdetail/ 102749795/Silicone _printer.html
Cylinder Box Forming Machine tire recapping machine, cool processing, 100 2009-10-16 2010-4-16 102748882/Cylinde r_Box_Forming_M achine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-16 2009-12-16 102750995/tire_rec
Ukraine machine Producers of technology and equipment for production MOZARELLA cheese Bleaching tires/time
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Machines manufacture safety fuses 2009-10-16 2010-4-16 tor_Safety_Fuse_M anufacturing_Machi nes.html
International Trade China Co., Ltd.
Used Loom Machine
Used loom machine
baba.com/buyoffer 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 detail/298774359/U sed_Loom_Machin e.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Logistics Co.,ltd molding machine injection molding of Foreign machine of Foreign brands brands We need the second 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102745784/_used_ injection_molding_ machine_of_Foreig n_brands.html .
casting equipment ,Steel Casting Machine
hand of the whole set of steel casting machines.Please inform us the detaols of your products and the price frozen beverage machine for North America
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Contracting beverage machine market. only factories wanted.
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from egypt we are looking for caco3 MB line if you are intrested pls contact us We have 4 complete line for Calciuam Carbonate Grinding, just one year before I NEND CAN COILER VERY URGENT,PLS
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Kortana, C. A. China
CAN COILER size: 24*42
CONTACT ME IF YOU CAN SUPPLY,KINDLY OFFER YOUR GOOD PRICE,THANKS We are looking for turn- key project to process coffee. Roasting, grinder, silos and packing machinery STAINLESS STEEL TANKS 12,500 LITERS 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 detail/298666606/C AN_COILER_size_ 24_42.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102747501/COFFE E_ROASTER_WA NTED.html . com/buyofferdetail/
STEEL TANKS AND 25,000 LITERS WITH MAN HOLE AND AGITATOR 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102746986/STAIN LESS_STEEL_TA NKS.html merchantsolutionsl United States Buy Credit Card Credit Card Machine . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102747978/Buy_Cr
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agents all over the world in order to sell our machines in the food industry.
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mixed vegetable processing plant processing plant. Interested companies are requested to send product list with price. We're looking for a packing machine for 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102745872/Want_t o_buy_mixed_vege table_processing_p lant.html . com/buyofferdetail/
incense, kindly 2009-10-15 2009-11-15 102748621/Incens Matin Afghan Ltd Afghanistan
Machinery needed Single super Phosphate plant
perforacion de manufacturer only as we wil visit and buy ASAP We need complete Milk Processing Line with aseptic tetrapack packing in 250ml, 500ml and 1000ml UHT for Afghanistan. We are interested in taking over a fertilizer plant in India on long term lease. Interested parties please contact me.
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Canada pozos(Spanish) mining machinery
de 50cm de diametro y 100m de profundidad, dos tipos: con/sin camion
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Canada fresador(Spanish taladro fresador ZX-28 o ) machine tools MAC-VII de la fabrica Zibo automovile,Shandong 2009-10-15 2010-10-15 102747405/Tornos _taladro_fresador_ Spanish_machine_ tools.html
Hong Kong Roll Forming We want to buy Roll forming Machine , C . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102747394/Roll_Fo
purlne , Z purline , please contact us. Want to buy Steel forming machine rming_Machine_.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102747021/Steel_F Sun Imports
Machine Enquiry for Two Japanese Lines of Continuous Heat Treatmen Furnaces Dear Sir,
Associate wants to sell their Two Japanese Lines of Continuous Heat Treatment Furn we are intend to buy LDPE recycled and orming_Machine_. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102745696/Enquiry 2009-10-15 2009-11-15 _for_Two_Japanes e_Lines_of_Contin uous_Heat_Treatm en_Furnaces.html
Emirates Iran (Islamic LDPE gold producing looking for a serious supplier , please contact us asap. want by a complet production line for gold produceing and chain 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102746518/LDPE_. html
Republic of) machineries WPC Machinery produceing line and gold controling gate equipted white vacume We do like to buy all WPC production related 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102745505/gold_pr oducing_machineri es.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
and raw materials wanted form fil seal machine for liquid material products like al machinery,extrusion lines, wood mil ers, chipper , raw materials Form fil seal machine for paste/liquid material. Fil ing range: 5(or less)- 20ml Power: 220V Capacity: 60 bags/min min We are looking for chicken feet machinery 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 2009-10-15 2010-4-15 102745971/WPC_ Machinery_and_ra w_materials_wante d.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102746933/form_fil l_seal_machine_for _liquid_material.ht ml
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peeling machine tons per day. Full food grade stainless steel is a must. We have confirmed orders of 465 food _feet_peeling_mac hine_.html
Manpower Management
Food Processor,To Work In USA Wanted processors to work in USA. Are you able to supply me the manpower?
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SOURCING PVT. LTD PT. Israel Pakistan silver mirror production line
production line from china. pls contact me i want full plant for manufacturing of Pressurized Tennis Balls.
blockboard . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102742499/silver_ mirror_production_l ine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102743035/Tennis _ball_machinery.ht ml
Indonesia cold press wanted
manufacturing. Tonnage 250 - 300 ton. working material size 2700 x 1200 mm. we need a machine to make woven mask. 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 com/buyofferdetail/ 102744662/_cold_ press_wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Please let us know your best product 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102743605/Woven _Mask_Machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
India machine plastic moulding machine 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102743214/plastic_ moulding_machine. html .
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Australia mil ing machines machines
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LLC. APG NEEDLES PVT. LTD Shinheung United States Cutting Machine Parts
India CARBURISING FURNACE We are looking for Shinheung Fabric cutting machine Parts. Brand Name model MOTOR VACUUM HARDENING FURNACE REQUIRES FOR 100 OR 150 KG CAPACITY com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-14 2009-11-14 102742858/Shinhe ung_Cutting_Machi ne_Parts.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102742247/VACU UM_CARBURISIN G_FURNACE.html .
Tanzania Thermal Printer I am looking for Copal 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 com/buyofferdetail/
DPB 1500 printer
102742991/Therma l_Printer.html .
Waste Paper Recycling Machinery capable for production of Paper suitable for Toilet papers, Packing cartons , News papers . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-14 2009-12-14 102741146/Waste_ Paper_Recycling_ Machinery.html
5AA0003375 Driving Board for Motor . com/buyofferdetail/
LTD Japan KOMORI Driving Feed Board Nikki Denso Actus Power NPSA-10-50 5 days We requires terry towel rapier width 260 cm, with 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102745026/KOMO RI_Driving_Board.h tml
textile machine Metal Sheet Jaquard Bonas / Staubli with 2688 hook minimum , maker Dornier, Sulzer, Picano machine that coats metal sheets of at least 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 com/buyofferdetail/ 102741472/textile_ machine.html
Pinto inktech Malaysia Roller coating Machine Machine for Recycle Rubber & Plastic 1200mm or 1.22mts with heater included Machine for Recycle Rubber & Plastic
machines which can 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102743015/Metal_ Sheet_Roller_coati ng_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102742323/Machin e_for_Recycle_Ru bber_Plastic.html .
von Eicken Germany fly ash bricks plant Tobacco manufacture fly ash bricks of maximum capacity.
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Federation machinery Pellet mil , Briquette press
machine, rebuilt in 2002 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102741873/Tobacc o_machinery.html . Equipment require for com/buyofferdetail/ development big project 2009-10-14 2010-4-14 102743912/Pellet_ in Russia mil _Briquette_pres s.html URGENT i want to buy a . water jet machine, size com/buyofferdetail/
water jet machine
108"/120" Hot Dip 2m*3m. please send me information and price ASAP, thx. Quote CIF Kchi 8units;brand, technical description,essential spares,warranty . automatic shuttle less power looms 108"/120".
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India Galvanizing plant Machinery 2009-10-14 2009-11-14 102742390/Hot_Di p_Galvanizing_plan t.html
Plastics Machinery Manufacturing Factory
China film blowing machine
METAL CHIP film blowing machine
is to separate oil and . alibaba.com/buyoff 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 erdetail/298373332 /film_blowing_mac hine.html a.com/buyofferdeta il/298282215/OIL_
Co., Ltd.
China SEPARATION MACHINE metal chips from forged parts' cleaning environment. ISSA CODE 850301,850302,850303,8 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 WATER_METAL_ CHIP_SEPARATIO N_MACHINE.html eng.en.alibaba.com
Materials Co., Ltd. China ISSA CODE 850301 50304,850306,850307,85 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 /buyofferdetail/2982 0308,850309,MARINE 52088/ISSA_COD TOOL,URGENTLY E_850301.html Shijiazhuang AnBang Machine Make Co., Ltd.
PRINTING wrought ironart machine for processing wrought iron fence ,gates and furnitures 6 color 6 station rotary n.alibaba.com/buyo 2009-10-13 2010-11-6 fferdetail/29840721 1/wrought_iron_ma chine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102740587/SILKS
Services CREDIBLE Philippines MACHINE (ROTARY) silkscreen printing machine
Soybean Oil Extraction 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 CREEN_PRINTIN G_MACHINE_ROT ARY_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
United States Soybean Oil Refining andBottling 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 102738800/Soybea
Plant for marketing in Bangladesh. I am looking to make wheat straw boards, so i need all equipment n_Oil_Machine.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/
LTD Industrial Canada board equipment neccessory to mamufacture wheat straw composite boards Donut machine wanted: 2009-10-13 2009-11-13 102738235/wheat_ straw_board_equip ment_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
also chip twister, cotton
Brokers Geely Panel Metal United Arab Supply LLC Emirates
candy, popcorn, sweetcorn steamer, We would like to have Good Offer for the supply of Silicone Sealant machine as per the attached Photo i need some boxes that 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 102739300/Wante d_Donut_machine. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 102739043/Silicone _Sealant_Machine. html . com/buyofferdetail/
India machinery can make corrugated boxes 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 102739516/carton_ machinery.html
Ukraine Klein Ukraine
Ukraine solvent extraction station for oil egg tray making plant
My name is Alex Sushko (Mr.) and I am head of foreign trade department of ISL-Consulting Co., Ukraine. We ar we are looking for egg tray plant , we wil use waste paper and waste carton , we wil use sunshine for drying .
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Gmbh NAVYUG IRON Germany laser cutting parts raw cashew nut for the production of our laser cutting parts, we want to buy rcn 2009-10-13 2009-11-13 com/buyofferdetail/ 102740703/laser_c utting_parts.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India shel ing machine shel ing machine. Need VOSA 89.75-55 N- 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 102739019/raw_ca shew_nut_shel ing_ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Wanted Needles 14 needles for shima flat knitting machines. 2009-10-13 2009-11-13 102737875/Wante d_Needles.html . Interbankscorp STIREFOAM MACHINE FOR MANUFACTUR United States E OF DISPOSAPLE PLATES AND CONTAINERS I am looking for a machine capable of making stirefoam disposable plates, cups , food boxes , party plates, Ice box , hamburger
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tarpaulin machine "producing coated or laminated tarpaulin" machine We are looking for 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 com/buyofferdetail/ 102738247/tarpauli n_machine.html .
Russian Federation Crawler Pipe layer machine for crawler pipe layer (made in Japan). 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 com/buyofferdetail/ 102740453/Crawler _Pipe_layer.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Argentina nanokeratin wanted machine for nanokeratin 2009-10-13 2010-4-13 102740388/machin e_for_nanokeratin_ wanted.html Pacific Round Int'l Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Special tool
, it is black one . only need sewing with motor , no need table and frame . plz offer good price .
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small German n.alibaba.com/buyo 2009-10-12 2009-12-12 fferdetail/29822010 8/sewing_machine _.html n.alibaba.com/buyo 2009-10-12 2009-12-12 fferdetail/29821939 4/milk_work_line_. html
manufacturers Wanted manufacturer of special purpose tools/small machines from whom we can buy and sell in India. We need the installation 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102734025/Special _tool_manufacturer s_Wanted.html
Flotation plant of a complete flotation plant including crushers, mil s, flotation cells,... we want to buy used machines printer,extruder, food 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 com/buyofferdetail/ 102735797/Flotatio n_plant.html n.alibaba.com/buyo
Ltd. Used machine packagin any other machine, which should be manufactured from Europe only
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plywood machinery like 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 buyofferdetail/2982 06176/CNC_MACH INE_CENTER.html
SHREE India machinery PET STARP hot press, spindle less peeling machiner 3.2 mtr. glue spreading machine. PET Strap making machine from scrap of 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102735064/plywoo d_machinery.html
PET. what best can you offer Tushar India we need PET recycling machine and PET Strap making machine, 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102734197/PET_S TARP_MAKING_M ACHINE.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102734191/PLASTI
ENTERPRISES India RECYCLING MACHINE what best can you offer Tushar India 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 C_PET_RECYCLI NG_MACHINE.htm l Boni&Bulgarelli S. R. L
Minerals Italy
Machine Wanted"
OUR BANGLADESHI CUSTOMER RICE MILL MACHINERY TO PROCESS RICE. We looking for Mineral Process Machine, we have plan to build a small manufacture in Indonesia for Gold, Copper & Manganese. We are serious Buyers of Murata 7-2 Machines Model 1987-1989 Please . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102733869/RICE_ MILL_MACHINERY .html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102735490/_Miner al_Process_Machin e_Wanted_.html
Machine & Compressor Machines, Nonwoven, Face contact us on our email mentioned in the contact details
Bag, Knee Pad, Elbow 2009-10-12 2009-12-12 102733832/Murata _7_2_Machine_Co mpressor.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102734070/Machin
EXPORTS Pakistan Mase, Shopping, Surgical Gown, Knee Pad and other Pad and Surgical Gown and other items making machine of Nonwoven Seeking production line to produce PVC profile of 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 es_Nonwoven_Fac e_Mase_Shopping _Surgical_Gown_K nee_Pad_and_othe r.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Federation PVC Profile Line 800mm+
800 mm + Prchedofiles to be used as detailed in the picure atta
2009-10-12 2009-11-12 102733776/PVC_P rofile_Line_800mm _.html . com/buyofferdetail/
R. Frank Jordan Germany Plant from Turkey
Ovens from clay(soil) preffered origin : Turkey
Tile Ovens and fireplace ovens with original handmade tile for import and export we are looking for the 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102734692/Brick_ Making_Plant_from _Turkey.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-12 2010-4-12 102735098/Seekin g_for_Tile_Ovens.h tml .
Machinery Manufacture and India Diverter functinable diverotr for showe panel we want to buy a k 2009-10-12 2009-12-12 com/buyofferdetail/ 102734043/Diverte r.html - sanxing.en.alibaba.
Construction CO. LTD. China k span machine span machine . our project about 33m 2009-10-11 2010-4-11 com/buyofferdetail/ 297885626/k_span _machine.html Suzhou Rongwei Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
If you can process, please contact me for the specific requirements and specifications ASAP. We need Vacuum Plastic Absorbing Machine for PVC cooling tower
en.alibaba.com/buy 2009-10-11 2009-11-11 offerdetail/2979854 90/_Wedge_Disc.h tml aba.com/buyofferd
Products Co., Ltd. Eling Hardware China Blister machine Second hand stuffing. Our raw material size:1600mm Width & 0.3~0.6mm Thick. model: zw303, or zw 408, zw 305, zw 405, the year 2009-10-11 2009-11-11 etail/297880699/Bli ster_machine.html
alibaba.com/buyoff erdetail/297885435
China Water Jet Loom Tsudakoma brand wanted
is between 1990-2008, working width is 1900mm, double nozzel, need 48 sets.
2009-10-11 2009-12-11 /Second_hand_Wa ter_Jet_Loom_Tsu dakoma_brand_wa nted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Technology Sdn Malaysia Bhd machinery
For Cutting MDF & Melamine Back up Board Wanted Looking for for saw mil dust . Able to be used with out drying Sewing Machine For Cutting MDF & Melamine Back up Board , Common Type
japanese or taiwan 2009-10-11 2010-4-11 102732228/wood_p ellets_machinery.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 102730810/Sewing 2009-10-11 2009-11-11 _Machine_For_Cut ting_MDF_Melamin e_Back_up_Board _Wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
second Hand Plastic Injection Machine
plastic injection mach. 150 and up to250 ton in HCMC. must be good price. Want to buy second hand / used shuttle loom, Model 1515 , Reed 2009-10-11 2010-4-11 102730531/Lookin g_for_second_Han d_Plastic_Injection _Machine.html
shuttle Loom wanted space: 56 inches, Color 1/4, Double Channel, MG with auto change.
2009-10-11 2010-4-11 102733046/Second _hand_shuttle_Loo m_wanted.html .
packaging machine Noodles making machine to pack my Plantain chips 2009-10-11 2009-12-11 com/buyofferdetail/ 102731607/packagi ng_machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
machine Machine making noodles 2009-10-11 2010-4-11 102731037/Noodle s_machine.html Fu xianheng
pick and place machine Processing Machinery wanted
have this machine, do please contact me. Thanks! Want Processing Machinery to refine Crude Palm Oil ( CPO )into Refined Oil ( RBD Palm Oil ) plant in Belgium ,contact Montulet . model: zw303, or zw 408, zw 305, zw 405, the year . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-11 2010-4-11 102732148/pick_an d_place_machine.h tml
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-11 2010-10-11 102730666/Proces sing_Machinery_w anted_.html .
Fonmedacs MULTIPURPOSE India Germany water jet looms
machines Want to is between 1990-2008, second hand machine, Tsudakoma brand , working width is I wish to buy hatching machines to be used in the Tropical zones(Cameroon).Is it possible to get hatching with generator? Thk
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com/buyofferdetail/ 102731174/Hatchin g_machines.html
AND COMMUNICATIO NS Relaciones Bangladesh established Joint Venture Juice Making Venture Juice Plant with Chinese Making Plant company
continuous fryer for 2009-10-10 2010-4-10 102729387/Want_t o_established_Join t_Venture_Juice_M aking_Plant.html
C.R.S.A. Costa Rica Continuous Fryer potato chips, capacity 150 kgs or more,gas or diesel fired, send pictures & quote Complete Tomato paste fil ing line, from bulk drums to tin cans. We 2009-10-10 2010-4-10 com/buyofferdetail/ 102729383/Continu ous_Fryer.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Cont. Est.
Kuwait Tomato Paste Fil ing Line FLEXO need simple and compact system to handle about 30 ton per mo 4 COLOUR PRINTING MACHINE FROM EUROPE. FOR 2009-10-10 2009-12-10 102729270/Tomato _Paste_Fil ing_Line .html . com/buyofferdetail/
inc United States nut roasters batch and continious roasters 2009-10-10 2010-10-10 com/buyofferdetail/ 102729193/nut_roa sters.html
We always looking for vendors to supply printing printing machine machine parts for parts Heidelberg, Komori and Mitsubishi offset printing machines. WANT TO SET UP A PLANT IN INDIA TO
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Dril ing Screw Point Forming Dies com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-10 2009-11-12 102730256/ALUMI NUM_FOIL_MAKI NG_PLANT.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-10 2010-4-25 102728040/Self_Dr il ing_Screw_Formi ng_Die.html .
PLC Ethiopia incubater to hatch from 100eggs up to 1000eggs looking for cash register 2009-10-10 2010-4-10 com/buyofferdetail/ 102728534/incubat er.html . com/buyofferdetail/
huseyin uyarli Turkey Eagle Trading Pakistan MKEC Co.LTD Vietnam
Cash register paper roll slitter
production line
Machine Looking for supplier for offset printing machine and pre-press, post press woodfree / thermal paper roll slittng machine.
production line for Uzbekhstan,capacity shoul be 10 m/t per day Require PET Recycling Machine without Water Treatment Accessory for 200Kg Per Hour Production
offset printing machine and pre-press, post press 2009-10-10 2010-4-10 102729078/Cash_r egister_paper_roll_ slitter.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-10 2010-4-10 102728308/margari ne_production_line. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-10 2010-4-15 102728409/Pet_Re cycling_Machine.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 102730094/Lookin 2009-10-10 2010-4-10 g_for_supplier_for_ offset_printing_ma chine_and_pre_pre ss_post_press.html ne.en.alibaba.com/
Machine Co., Ltd.
Bioengineering printer machine printer machine equipment for Non diary non diary creamer for international 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 buyofferdetail/2977 36057/printer_mac hine.html ba.com/buyofferdet
Qingdao China creamer equipment market, any Chinese mainland suppler with experience is welcome. 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 ail/297734434/non_ diary_creamer_equ ipment.html MOSHARRAF SPINNING MILLS (PVT.) LTD.
2009-10-9 2010-4-9 . com/buyofferdetail/ 102725302/WANT _TO_BUY_WARPI NG_MACHINE.htm l . alibaba.com/buyoff
Group Pty Limited Australia plate machine Horizontal Flow wrapper machine
luncheon napkins sized 210mm x 120mm x 110mm.
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(PVT) Limited Sri Lanka Minilab Noritsu, Fuji wanted
recondition machine less than 3 years old original
WIRE SHOT MAKING MACHINE FOR MAKING 2009-10-9 2009-12-9 102727500/Minilab _Noritsu_Fuji_want ed.html
2 / 4 Stations. Suitable 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102727402/WIRE_ CUTTING_MACHI NE_FOR_CUT_WI RE_SHOTS.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102724932/_Hydra
,Deep Drawing,Filter Cartridge Auto V-Cut for To Manufacturing Oil Filter Cartridge. Maximum Cartridge Length is 250MM. Auto V-Cut Machine for 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 ulic_Press_Three_ Station_Deep_Dra wing_Filter_Cartrid ge_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
LTD Peyvand Choobin Iran (Islamic Machine PCB -Building a refinery in Iran 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102725057/Auto_V _Cut_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Republic of) Oil Refinery with a capacity of 30000 barrels /day. New or used 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102725523/Oil_Ref inery.html
shomal Republic of) wood pellet equipment and production line
We are looking for wood pel et production line to produce 6mm,8mm wood pel et. We would like to manufacture 1 t/h capacity. We require a semi or fully automatic Screen
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Enterprises Pakistan Screen Printing Machine
Printing Machine capable of printing 3-4 Colors with UV ink and Flame treatment . Accessories products for stone / marble / granite Industy. 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102727629/Automa tic_Screen_Printing _Machine_.html
Supplies Singapore stone machineries equipment Eg : diamond blade, stone cutting machineries, materials for the Ind WOVEN 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102727523/Access ories_for_stone_m achineries_equipm ent.html .
Bangladesh Raising Machine RAISING(brushing) MACHINE Rotogravure Print Machine for Paper Iran (Islamic Rotogravure 4 color 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 com/buyofferdetail/ 102727210/Raising _Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Republic of) Print Machine width: 2000 mm material: paper speed: 250 m / min We are looking Non 2009-10-9 2009-12-9 102726087/Rotogr avure_Print_Machi ne.html .
EXPORTS Pakistan Non Woven Machine Woven Machine. Kindly send the complete details, Price & Terms
2009-10-9 2010-4-9 com/buyofferdetail/ 102724346/Non_W oven_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India Buy herbal extract machine extract machine from india.send me quote,price,capacity etc. Hi Dear Sir /Madam We Looking For Buy 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102726196/Buy_he rbal_extract_machi ne_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Furfural Furfural Production Line 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102725634/Furfural MKEC Co.LTD Republic of) Vietnam Production Line
machinery With Capacity 1000 and 3000 Ton/Year . Please Send Us Price . Buying label machinery _Production_Line.h tml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-9 2010-4-10 102727284/Buying _label_machinery.h tml
Russian Federation
cardboard production line needed Aluminum We need honeycomb cardboard production line: 1)CX-1600-2 2) SQZK-1860 3) DJ-1 (N) 4) FBJD-12/1300 5) MPQ-2 6) MSQ-2200C
. com/buyofferdetail/ 102726964/Honeyc omb_cardboard_pr oduction_line_need ed.html
Benelli Benelli Rui'an Guoxin Printing & Packaging Machine Factory
Algeria China China
extrusion press
production line
machine flexo printing machine press, powder coating line, annodising line, we want to buy the whole production line for a cement board factory
processing production line and salmon fish processing line, we want the whole production line we are the professional machine manufacturer,including the flexo printing machine,film blowing machine and bag making machine. high precision 2009-10-9 2010-10-9 102724770/Alumin um_extrusion_pres s.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102724736/cement _board_production _line.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-9 2010-4-9 102724728/meat_p rocessing_machine .html .alibaba.com/buyoff 2009-10-8 2010-10-8 erdetail/297508208 /flexo_printing_mac hine.html
Technology Co., Ltd. Zhejiang China collet
good quality competetive price 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 aba.com/buyofferd etail/297508499/col let.html ba.com/buyofferdet
Exp. Co., Ltd. China machinary plastic crusher machinary 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 ail/297558923/plast ic_crusher_machin ary.html .
Equipment (Wuxi) Co., Ltd Premium
pa pad cutting machine
we want to buy papad making made in China
directional dril ing com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102723149/pa_pad _cutting_machine_. html . com/buyofferdetail/
Properties Limited
New Zealand drilling/ thrusting machines
machines. capable of drilling up to 1 Km and drawing pipes up to 600mm diameter we interesting buying use 2009-10-8 2010-4-12 102722753/directio nal_dril ing_thrustin g_machines.html . com/buyofferdetail/
looms suzler looms,TW11 with dobby kr-1 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102723078/used_s ulzer_looms.html
Polypropylene - Daily production . com/buyofferdetail/ 102720647/The_se
Co., Ltd
Tanzania multifilament yarn extruding machine
Processing Machine quantity : Approx. 2,500kg - High Tenacity
Tomato Pest Processing Machine
and other machineries of 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 condhand_Polypro pylene_multifilame nt_yarn_extruding_ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-8 2009-12-8 102722247/singer_ sewing_machine_. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-8 2010-2-8 102720972/_Tomat o_Pest_Processing _Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
South Korea Tire Bead Wire bead wire derive from 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102723425/Tire_B
Limited Estocorp (india) China Peeler wanted
used tire. Five-Star Tooling Limited is an role handling molds for many years. I am preparing for the diamond service for you in al time.
ead_Wire_Peeler_ wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-8 2010-10-8 102720719/Plastic _Injection_moulds. html . com/buyofferdetail/
SURYA India software Quilting products by using cad Machine cam machines SCUDERED WE REQUIRED PET OR PET/POLICARB POLICATBONATE 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102723900/Designi ng_software_Quilti ng_Machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102720906/SCUD
information about the hho hydroxy system, dry cell is clean, Price and ship, aliexpres, paypal. tanks
2009-10-8 2010-4-8 ERED_PET_POLI CARBONATE_PIP ES_FOR_LIGHT_B ATON.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102722876/HHO_h ydroxy_full_system s_wanted.html . com/buyofferdetail/
to make napkins out of 2009-10-8 2009-12-8 102722583/Napkin
wanted pulp. _Machine_wanted. html
INTERESTED IN PURCHASE OF (1)ELECTRICAL UPSETTER 60 KVA HORIZONTAL TYPE FOR UPSETTING 25 MM STEEL ROUNDS X 400 MM LENGTH i need industries that produce milk candies and black mint candies from India and Europe.
2009-10-8 2010-4-8
. com/buyofferdetail/ 102720426/MACHI NES.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102721088/industri es.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Company Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Agfa CTP Spare parts sparepart supplier for new and used one.
2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102720860/Agfa_C TP_Spare_parts.ht ml .
MKEC Co.LTD United States Printing equipment buying semi Vietnam automatic bottle blowing machine the printing industry Joe Weiser
bottle blowing machine We are looking for a die 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 com/buyofferdetail/ 102722292/Printing _equipment.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102723138/buying_ semi_automatic_bo ttle_blowing_machi ne.html .
United Kingdom United Die Cutter flexographic cutter to cut paper cup shapes, for cup making machine 4 & 6 Colour, 800 & 1000 Width, 5-50M Speed Min, 220V or 400V(3 Phase), 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 com/buyofferdetail/ 102721952/Die_Cu tter.html
Zhejiang Sound Kingdom printing machine Paper weight we wil be printing 300gsm + 20PE gsm = 320 2009-10-8 2010-4-8 102721944/flexogr aphic_printing_mac hine.html ine.en.alibaba.com/
Manufacture Co., Ltd.
Goods Import and Export Co., Ltd. China China special mixing screw head agent to sell corrugated cardboard production line please check the photoes.
our products. 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 buyofferdetail/2972 73640/special_mixi ng_screw_head.ht ml ba.com/buyofferdet ail/297227062/agen t_to_sell_corrugate d_cardboard_produ ction_line_.html
used induction furnace LPG REGULATOR Manuf Machinery
induction furnace of the brand name Electrotherm or inductotherm.
420v 750 kw. Our Company Based in Pakistan , and we want to manufacture LPG Regulators for LPG Cylinders , For this we need to Buy Machinery I require a fully automated toilet paper plant including recycling, . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2009-12-7 102718324/used_i nduction_furnace.h tml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102717899/_LPG_ REGULATOR_Man uf_Machinery.html
Development Co Taiwan Ltd
copper cathodes production equipment MASS manufacturing, embossing, cutting and packaging.
for produce copper cathods
i want to import your 2009-10-7 2010-2-7
102717357/Toilet_ paper_maker.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102718833/comple te_set_of_copper_ cathodes_productio n_equipment.html . com/buyofferdetail/
GRUP SRL Bangladesh Israel Romania KNITTING NEEDLE plastic injection machines
MIXING MACHINE CTP PLATE 27.60 and 39.75 mass/net knitting needle in Bangladesh. buy used machinery
machine like Branbury machine, with capacity of 60 liters
MAKING MACHINE FOR 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102717807/MASS_ KNITTING_NEEDL E.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-10-7 102717833/plastic_ injection_machines .html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102718316/RUBBE R_MIXING_MACHI NE.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Mosaic Vision Pakistan MAKING MACHINE Satin label HEIDEL BERG,CANON,ETC satin label printing 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102716992/CTP_P LATE_MAKING_M ACHINE.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102716093/Satin_l
India printing machine machinery
used cnc turning turning center for our center wanted factory so please send detail in full if any. abel_printing_mach ine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102718239/used_c nc_turning_center_ wanted.html
Bangladesh 400 ton Friction need 400 ton capacity Friction Press or Hydraulic Press with . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-4-24 102719495/400_to
Romania Press
PRINTER large bed to be used in a regractory mil s I am interested to buy thermal printers for cash register LPT 1245 Mp205 and MP215 for start. we have been using aluminum permanent n_Friction_Press.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102716773/THER MAL_PRINTER.ht ml . com/buyofferdetail/
Venezuela Foundry Equipment
mold casting (gravity casting) on tilt-pour process
2009-10-7 2010-4-7 102718282/Foundr y_Equipment.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Intravenous fluid pouch packing machine Cassaxa information on the net An equipment that is capable of extracting 2009-10-6 2010-4-6 102713932/Sterile_ Intravenous_fluid_p ouch_packing_mac hine.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Cartridge Trading Vietnam REWCO processing equipment
HP 43x
weighing starch and other by products from cassava I have 5, remanufactured 43x HP OEM cartridges, these are not compatiable but are originals.they are 130usd each for 5 Enviromet for 2009-10-6 2010-4-6 102715710/Cassax a_processing_equi pment.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-6 2010-4-6 102714744/Laser_ cartridge_HP_43x. html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102714222/Packag
LLP Uzbekistan machine for liquid product in soft packing prepackaging for liquid products in soft packing.
2009-10-6 2010-10-12 ing_and_weighing_ machine_for_liquid _product_in_soft_p acking.html . com/buyofferdetail/
cookie cutter Cold Rol ed cookie cutters. Pls give us your price. We need a Five or Six Rollers Cold-rolled Machine Set and also 2009-10-6 2010-4-6 102712424/cookie_ cutter.html
machine wanted. High Torque Continuous Type Stretching-bending- straightening Production Line
2009-10-6 2009-12-6 102712512/Cold_R olled_machine_wa nted_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Nema 34 stepper motor wanted motors for carving machines, CNC Routers, 2009-10-6 2010-4-6 102713730/High_T orque_Nema_34_s tepper_motor_want ed.html
industrial sewing RSM machinery. we are machines parts doing work in our market 2 year ago.
. com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-6 2010-10-6 102715377/industri al_sewing_machin es_parts.html .
Sulzer Spare Parts synthetic marble spare parts for our Sulzer projectile machines. I was looking to purchase machinery for turnkey 2009-10-6 2010-2-6 com/buyofferdetail/ 102713002/Sulzer_ Spare_Parts.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Yeastsnc Italy machine moulds for fishing leads plant and full manufacturing synthetic marble and artificail moulds 4 fishing leads:we need to know patents in order to sell in Italy and Europe,photos,and details, with prices
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Guzhen Liangjiu United States ice crusher machine wanted equipments for pieces ice dot We are energy saving lamp Manufacturer, Now we argent need 2009-10-6 2010-4-6 102715192/ice_cru sher_machine_wan ted.html baba.com/buyoffer detail/297021046/e
Appliance Factory Hongkong China energy saving lamp Automatic Inserter / wave crest welding, if you can supply , please f 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 quipments_for_ene rgy_saving_lamp.ht ml .
Hong Kong shear machine need shear machine and 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 com/buyofferdetail/
Engineering Limited indian book depot (map House)
We search investors for building in town of trash processing factory
Manufacturing Plant
mounting machine press brake
Mykolayiv ((Ukraine) searches an investor for building in town with the 500 000 thousand population of trash We Kanani Group are looking to buy FDY (Fully Drawn Yarn) plant. Capacity should be around 50 TDP (Tons per Day) Please s
want a tin mounting machine. 102709169/shear_ machine.html . com/buyofferdetail/ 102710063/We_se 2009-10-5 2010-10-5 arch_investors_for _building_in_town_ of_trash_processin g_factory.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-5 2010-4-28 102709024/Buy_F DY_Manufacturing _Plant.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 102710916/calend ar_tin_mounting_m achine.html SARASAVI EXPORTS (PVT) LTD. Mak Chemicals International
KNITTING MACHINES WANTED Plant second hand brother brand
TIGHTS MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY. LOOKING TO PURCHASE SINGLE CYLINDER/DOUBLE CYLINDER KNITTING & TERRY KNITTING We are interested to import complete chemical plant or cattle made of 316L for production of Melamine Resin. IF you can do pleas second hand jacuquard
2009-10-5 2010-4-5 . com/buyofferdetail/ 102708765/SOCK S_KNITTING_MAC HINES_WANTED. html
com/buyofferdetail/ 102708744/Plant.ht ml
com/buyofferdetail/ 102709412/second
Trading Co, Republic of) jacquard hand driven flat kniting machine
liquefaction system hand driven falt kniting machine , double bed
chlorin liquefaction plant (new or used)capacity : 100TPD please contact with irajberenji at gmai 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 _hand_brother_bra nd_jacquard_hand _driven_flat_kniting _machine.html
com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 102712037/chlorin e_liquefaction_syst em.html
Co. Pakistan plastic machines plastic machines
STONE 2009-10-5 2010-10-5 com/buyofferdetail/ 102709719/plastic_ machines.html . com/buyofferdetail/
ENTERPRISES India SETTING We are intrested to buy MACHINE Stone setting cup chain machinery. need one discontinuous PU sandwich panel line 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 102711122/STONE _SETTING_MACHI NE.html . com/buyofferdetail/
2009-10-5 2010-4-5 102711767/buy_pu
can produce color-steel roof/wall panel for construction We urgently want _sandwich_panel_ machine.html . Ms. Maria Victor Pakistan Urgently Wanted machines for cutting, Stone Cutting grinding and polishing Machine machines for stone, Marble and Granites
com/buyofferdetail/ 102709855/Urgentl y_Wanted_Stone_ Cutting_Machine.ht ml
Projectile looms TW 11, PU and P7100, W.W 85", 110", 130" and 153". If have for sale then pls offer. our company needs 12000 tons of round coil . com/buyofferdetail/ 102710717/USED_ 2009-10-5 2010-10-5 SULZER_PROJEC TILE_LOOMS_TW _11_PU_AND_P71 00.html
Iran (Islamic Republic of) round coil steel steel for above drawing(6.5mm),we can term long term LC,pls send us your information need a company who can do BMRE of a REFRACTORY 2009-10-5 2010-4-5 com/buyofferdetail/ 102711994/round_ coil_steel_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
Bangladesh Refractories Production Line
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Industriales C.R.S.A. Costa Rica
packaging machine
potato chip packaging machine, form and fil type, small production . com/buyofferdetail/ 2009-10-4 2010-4-4 102707815/Potato_ chips_packaging_ machine.html
Co., Ltd China dough mixer we need dough mixer as our photo show
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China machinery
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4 opening . softening line cutting line moulds spray line We require Injection transfer molding machine 2009-10-4 2010-10-4 102706334/looking _for_Hot_press_do or_skin_.html . com/buyofferdetail/
India molding machine for thermoplastic
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Machine WANTED pile hight machines with backing and coating line.
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Technologies & Systems
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gripper,projectile body,tapid roller,picking shoe other acces We are looking for 12, 15, 18 and 20 heads automatic Embroidery machines for Pakistan and Bangladesh. we want finning machine for 8 mm to 40 mm tube and 5 mm to 15 mm steel strip DEAR SIR,
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Machineries for String Bags for Applicatioin: HDPE, LDPE film Automaitc edge cutting, folding, hole punching, 2009-10-3 2010-5-3
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MM We are the leading 2000_dia_1250_15 00_mm_.html . Paradise Decorator (p) Ltd India
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VENTURES Mustafa Akgul India Fil ing Machine (semi automatic) CEMENT Viscous liquid fil ig machine for GHEE in 1kg PET bottles.
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Turkey PRODUCT LINE Must be highly reliable and economical. Please send us an 2009-10-2 2010-10-2 102702646/CEME NT_PRODUCT_LI NE_.html Armatura&Truby plastic extrusion We are looking for the supplier of set of equipment for EPS food
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Flex Printing Machine
full technical details of their specialized Flexographic Printing Machines Need charcoal briquette press machine that produce 2009-10-2 2010-4-2 102702203/Flex_Pr inting_Machine.htm l . com/buyofferdetail/ 102702514/Need_c
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ENGINEERS Coils Cold rolled steel USED We are looking for CR Coils in our required sizes or matching sizes WE ARE INDIAN MANUFACTURERS FOR BICYCLE STEEL 2009-10-2 2010-4-2 ement_of_C_R_St eel_Strips_Coils_C old_rolled_steel.ht ml
PT. PIMSF M & T India Croatia (local name: Hrvatska) MACHINERY Machines for making PET,PP,PE products
PET, PP,PE products (egg trays, cups, food boxes...)
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Indonesia Rolling Mil s buy turning and Rolling Mil s ) . The Weight is more than 100 Tons / PC. we want to import turning inserts, mil ing inserts, 2009-10-1 2010-2-1 102699256/Mill_St and_for_Rolling_Mi l s.html ba.com/buyofferdet
BAIT AL ALMAS mil ing inserts
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MACHINE TURNERY 2009-10-1 2010-4-1 102700183/LATHE _MACHINE.html Jonquil Holdings Limited Kenya Tooth pick machine
I want a machine that wil produce and pack the toothpicks and produce at not less than 1000000pc/hour. we need second hand slitting machine for pet 2009-10-1 2010-4-1
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enterprise padmalaxmi enterprise padmalaxmi enterprise
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Jamaica machine a unique style roofing tile 2009-10-1 2009-12-1 102700063/machin e.html muneeb enteprisese
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